Published October 1988
A process for direct oximation of cyclohexanone to cyclohexanone oxime with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a fine powder of titanium-silicalite catalyst was developed by Montedison S.p.A.. SRI reviews the process technology. We also present a preliminary economic evaluation of a 140,000 t/yr (309 million lb/yr) modified caprolactam process using the direct oximation technology and we compare to product value with those of the following three commercial processes:
- Caprolactam from phenol by the hydroxylammonium phosphate oximation (HPO) process via nitrate hydrogenation.
- Caprolactam from cyclohexane by the hydroxylammonium phosphate oximation (HPO) process via nitrate hydrogenation.
- Caprolactam from cyclohexane by the hydroxylammonium ammonium sulfate oximation (HSO) process via nitric oxide hydrogenation.
SRI concluded in PEP Report No. 418 that the cyclohexane-based HSO process is the nest economical of the three commercial processes. Incorporating the new technology into the other two commercial processes will not make either of them competitive with the HSO process, although the economics of each could be improved at low hydrogen peroxide prices.