Published November 1982
Essentially all of the energy uses and most of the chemical uses for individual butylene isomers do not require their prior separation and purification. Butyl rubber is the single, large market for high purity isobutylene. A secondary in making polyisobutylene (PIB). The large and fast growing market for high purity butene-1 is as a copolymer in polyethylene. Polybutene-1 is developing as a secondary market. The butene-2 is not separated and purified in significant quantities for chemical markets.
This supplement to PEP Report 71 (October 1971) is primarily concerned with the economics of separating and purifying isobutylene and butene-1 from a mixed butane-butylene stream (olefin plant raffinate-1). Various chemical and physical means are used in the separation processes evaluated.
Market demand and supply are reviewed for high purity isobutylene and butene-1 and projections are made through the year 1986.
Butylenes synthesis procedures such as dehydrogenation, isomerization, and disproportionation are not updated in this supplement.