
U.S. Equity

Our U.S. equity indices range from world-renowned broad market indicators to narrow sector and industry benchmarks.

Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: 1nvest S&P500 Feeder ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: South Africa
Ticker: ETF500
Product Name: 1nvest S&P500 Info Tech Feeder ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: South Africa
Ticker: ETF5IT
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: ACE S&P500
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: South Korea
Ticker: 360200
Product Name: ACE US DJ REITs (Synth H)
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: South Korea
Ticker: 181480
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: Adjusted Interest Rate S&P 500 Total Return
Product Type: Future
Ticker: ASR
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: Amundi ETF PEA S&P 500 Daily Hedged EUR
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: France
Ticker: P500H
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: Amundi ETF PEA S&P 500 EUR
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: France
Ticker: PE500
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: Amundi ETF S&P 500 EUR C/D USD
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: United Kingdom
Ticker: 500D
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: Amundi IS S&P 500 ETF C EUR
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: France
Ticker: 500
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: Amundi IS S&P 500 ETF C EUR Hdg
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: France
Ticker: 500H
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: Amundi IS S&P 500 ETF C USD
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: France
Ticker: 500U
Index Name: DJIA
Product Name: Amundi PEA Dow Jones Industrial Avg ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: Germany
Ticker: AHYL
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: ARIRANG S&P 500
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: South Korea
Ticker: 429760
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: ARIRANG S&P500
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: South Korea
Ticker: 269540
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: BetaPro S&P 500® -2x Daily Bear ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: Canada
Ticker: HSD
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: BetaPro S&P 500® 2x Daily Bull ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: Canada
Ticker: HSU
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: BetaPro S&P 500® Daily Inverse ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: Canada
Ticker: HIU
Product Name: Betashares S&P 500 Eql Wght Ccy Hgd ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: Australia
Ticker: HQUS
Product Name: BetaShares S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: Australia
Ticker: QUS
Index Name: S&P 500
Product Name: BetaShares US Eqs Strong Bear H CcyH ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: Australia
Ticker: BBUS

This list includes investable products traded on certain exchanges currently linked to this selection of indices. While we have tried to include all such products, we do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of such lists. Please refer to the disclaimers here for more information about S&P Dow Jones Indices' relationship to such third party product offerings.


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