An opinion of the overall quality of an asset management company, including management and operational procedures. The
AMPC includes an analysis of the manager's investment process, systems, and controls, as compared to those employed by other asset managers in the market. An
AMPC is not a credit rating.
- The AMPC scale ranges from 'AMP-1' (Very Strong) to 'AMP-5' (Weak).
- Public or confidential distribution, accompanied by a written report.
Why Obtain an Asset Manager Practices Classification?
AMPC can be useful for asset managers as it provides a benchmark to compare practices to those employed by other market participants.
Detailed Description
In assessing asset management companies, S&P Global Ratings will review the depth and quality of the asset manager's resources dedicated to the investment management process. As part of this review, S&P Global Ratings will examine the asset manager's risk management systems, daily operating procedures including the degree of oversight and controls.
AMPC is based on information supplied by management of the company and other information considered to be reliable. It is neither an audit of compliance with the company's procedures or industry standards, nor an opinion as to compliance with laws and regulation. The
AMPC is not an opinion on whether asset managers meet their duties, including fiduciary duties, under laws, regulations or contracts with clients. The
AMPC is also not a comment on the performance, quality, or suitability of funds managed or held by the asset manager. It is also not an opinion on the safety of assets held with the asset manager or whether assets will be available to clients in the event the asset manager or any other party asserts a claim to the assets or becomes insolvent or subject to a legal proceeding related to ownership of the assets. A classification is not a recommendation to use the services of any asset manager.