Obtain useful feedback and gain valuable insight before you act
Our Rating Evaluation Service gives you a confidential assessment of the potential credit impact of your proposed strategic initiatives before you implement them, to identify the planned initiatives that potentially could lead to credit outcomes that you would view as more or less favorable. This can be a particularly valuable benefit whether you are considering only one plan or several alternatives. -
Understand the impact of your proposed initiatives on your creditworthiness
When exploring strategic options, you may want to assess ahead of time how your proposed initiatives may affect your creditworthiness. The decision to take on a major capital program, consider an acquisition, manage debt capacity, change an operating structure or vary the mix of security types issued can potentially have significant credit consequences. That’s where we can help. -
Analysis based on your scenario
Provide us with the hypothetical scenarios you are considering and we'll provide you with timely feedback from a Rating Evaluation Committee based on each scenario you presented. Please note that the Rating Evaluation Service process and outcome remains confidential.