U.S. Municipal Bonds

U.S. AMT-Free Municipal Series

Our municipal series indices measure the performance of investment-grade, tax-exempt U.S. municipal bonds maturing in specific calendar years. Index constituents are tax-exempt under the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).

Product Name: iShares iBonds Dec 2024 Term Muni Bond
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: United States
Ticker: IBMM
Product Name: iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term Muni Bd ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: United States
Ticker: IBMN
Product Name: iShares iBonds Dec 2030 Term Mun Bd ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: United States
Ticker: IBMS
Product Name: Vanguard Short-Term Tax-Exmpt Bd ETF
Product Type: ETF
Country/Region: United States
Ticker: VTES

This list includes investable products traded on certain exchanges currently linked to this selection of indices. While we have tried to include all such products, we do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of such lists. Please refer to the disclaimers here for more information about S&P Dow Jones Indices' relationship to such third party product offerings.

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