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Issuer Ranking: North American Unregulated Power Companies, Strongest To Weakest


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Issuer Ranking: North American Unregulated Power Companies, Strongest To Weakest

Credit quality for North American non-utility merchant and contracted power companies has moderately improved compared with last year. The proportion of investment-grade ratings, defined as 'BBB-' and higher, is broadly similar at about 26% of the 54 issuers that we publicly rate. Like last year, our rating outlooks within the sector are mostly stable at about 82% for corporate and project developer issuers, and 75% for project finance issuers. The corporate subgroup's rating distribution has improved, with 14% of issuers on positive outlook, compared with 5% last year. In the project finance subgroup, 75% of outlooks are on stable and 22% are negative, compared with only 67% stable and 26% negative last year.

Our Rankings

The following lists rank the North American non-utility merchant and contracted power companies that S&P Global Ratings rates, from strongest to weakest. We rank companies, in turn, by the rating, outlook, stand-alone credit profile (SACP), business and financial risk profiles, and liquidity assessment. We rank investment-grade companies by business risk profile, then financial risk profile. We order speculative-grade companies by financial risk profile, then business risk profile. We then list companies in alphabetical order, if not distinguished by these factors.

We rank project finance entities by rating, outlook, operations phase business assessment (OPBA), preliminary SACP, downside mapping, liquidity, comparable rating assessment, debt structure, and transaction structure. We order projects by rating and outlook. We then list them in alphabetical order, if not distinguished by these factors.

In line with our corporate, project finance, and project developer rating methodology, the final rating might differ from the SACP, where government, group, or rating above the sovereign considerations apply. Where the SACP differs from the anchor, we have applied one or more modifiers. We've noted the anchor and active modifiers of each company for informational purposes only. Please refer to the company-specific pages on RatingsDirect via the hyperlinks in the tables below.

Given our low industry risk assessment for the power sector, country risk has no material impact on the corporate industry and country risk assessment or final OPBA because the rated companies are based in jurisdictions where we assess country risk as very low.

The tables and charts in this article provide an overview of 54 North American merchant power companies, spread across our corporate, project finance, and project developer criteria. The distribution of these 54 companies is shown in chart 1.

Chart 1


We publicly rate 21 merchant power projects. All are speculative grade ('BB+' and below) with about 38% in the 'BB' category, 52% in the 'B' category, and 10% in the 'CCC' category. Our outlook on the sector has improved from last year--76% of merchant power project credits have a stable or positive outlook, compared with just 61% last year.

Table 1

Merchant power companies
Project Rating Outlook OPBA Preliminary SACP Downside assessment Median DSCR Liquidity Holistic assessment Debt structure Structural protection

Generation Bridge Northeast LLC

BB Stable 9 bb+ Moderate (+1) No impact Neutral No impact Negative (-2) No impact

Compass Power Generation LLC

BB- Stable 9 bb- Moderate (+1) No impact Neutral Positive (+1) Negative (-1) Negative (-1)

Helix Gen Funding LLC

BB- Stable 10 bb- Moderate (+1) No impact Neutral No impact Negative (-1) No impact

Hamilton Projects Acquiror LLC

BB- Stable 10 b+ Moderate (+2) No impact Neutral No impact Negative (-1) No impact

Lackawanna Energy Center LLC

BB- Stable 10 b+ Moderate (+2) No impact Neutral No impact Negative (-1) No impact

CPV Maryland LLC

BB- Stable 10 b+ Modest (+1) No impact Neutral Positive (+1) No Impact No impact

St. Joseph Energy Center LLC

BB- Stable 10 b+ Modest (+1) No impact Neutral Positive (+1) Negative (-1) No impact

Carroll County Energy LLC

BB- Stable 10 b+ Low (1+) No impact Neutral Positive (+1) Negative (-1) No impact

Astoria Energy LLC

B+ Stable 10 bb- Moderate (+1) No impact Neutral No impact Negative (-1) Negative (-1)

EFS Cogen Holdings I LLC

B+ Stable 10 b Moderate (+2) No impact Neutral No impact Negative (-1) No impact

Edgewater Generation LLC

B+ Stable 10 b Modest (+1) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Oregon Clean Energy LLC

B+ Stable 10 b Modest (+1) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Parkway Generation LLC

B+ Negative 10 b- Modest (+1) No impact Neutral Positive (+1) No impact No impact

Kestrel Acquisition LLC

B Stable 10 b No impact No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Nautilus Power LLC

B Stable 10 b No impact No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

CPV Shore Holdings LLC

B Negative 10 b- Low (no impact) No impact Neutral Positive (+1) No impact No impact

Eastern Power LLC

B Negative 10 b- Low (no impact) No impact Neutral Positive (+1) No impact No impact

Lightstone HoldCo LLC

B- Positive 10 b No impact No impact Neutral Negative (-1) No impact No impact

West Deptford Energy Holdings LLC

B- Negative 10 b- Low (no impact) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Revere Power LLC

CCC+ Stable 10 b- No impact No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Elwood Energy LLC

CCC+ Negative 10 b- No impact No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact
OPBA--Operations phase business assessment. SACP--Stand-alone credit profile. DSCR--Debt service coverage ratio.

We publicly rate 11 contracted or partially contracted power projects; about 63% of the ratings are investment grade and 36% are speculative grade. This is a slight decrease compared with last year, when about 69% of the projects were investment grade. We also note that there is one rating below 'BB-', compared with zero ratings in the 'B' category last year.

Table 2

Contracted power projects
Project Rating Outlook OPBA Preliminary SACP Downside assessment Median DSCR Liquidity Holistic assessment Debt structure Structural protection

Tenaska Georgia Partners L.P.

Stable BBB+ 4 a- High (no impact) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

UMH Energy Partnership

Stable BBB+ 4 bbb+ High (+1) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

CSolar IV South LLC

Stable BBB+ 3 bbb High (+1) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Solar Star Funding LLC

Stable BBB 3 a- Very high (+1) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Continental Wind LLC

Stable BBB 5 bbb No impact No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Yellowstone Energy L.P.

Stable BBB 8 bbb- High (+1) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Alta Wind Holdings LLC

Negative BBB- 6 bb+ Moderate (+1) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Topaz Solar Farms LLC

Stable BB+ 3 a Very high (+1) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Midland Cogeneration Venture L.P.

Stable BB+ 5 bb Moderate (+1) No impact Neutral No impact No impact No impact

Invenergy Thermal Operating I LLC

Stable BB- 10 bb Moderate (+1) No impact Neutral Negative (-1) Negative (-1) No impact

Panoche Energy Center LLC

Negative B+ 6 b- Modest (+1) No impact Neutral Positive (+1) No impact No impact
OPBA--Operations business phase assessment. SACP--Stand-alone credit profile. DSCR--Debt service coverage ratio.

We publicly rate 14 corporate merchant power companies; 21% are investment grade and 79% are speculative grade, which is almost exactly in line with last year's distribution. Relative to last year, credit quality has improved, with 14% currently on positive outlook. There are still there are no companies rated lower than 'B+'.

Table 3

Corporate power companies
Issuer Rating Outlook SACP Business risk profile Financial risk profile Liquidity Anchor Management and governance Comparable rating analysis

Constellation Energy Generation LLC

BBB+ Stable bbb+ Strong Intermediate Strong (0) bbb+ Neutral (0) Neutral (0)


BBB Stable bbb Satisfactory Intermediate Adequate (0) bbb Positive (0) Neutral (0)

Capital Power Corp.

BBB- Stable bbb- Satisfactory Significant Adequate (0) bbb- Neutral (0) Neutral (0)

TransAlta Corp.

BB+ Stable bb+ Satisfactory Aggressive Adequate (0) bb Neutral (0) Positive (1)

NSG Holdings LLC

BB+ Stable bb+ Fair Minimal Adequate (0) bbb- Neutral (0) Negative (-1)

Vistra Corp.

BB Positive bb Satisfactory Significant Adequate (0) bb+ Neutral (0) Negative (-1)

NRG Energy Inc.

BB Positive bb Satisfactory Significant Adequate (0) bb+ Neutral (0) Negative (-1)

NextEra Energy Partners L.P.

BB Stable bb Strong Highly leveraged Adequate (0) bb Fair (0) Neutral (0)

Calpine Corp.

BB- Stable bb- Fair Aggressive Adequate (0) bb- Moderately negative (0) Neutral (0)

TerraForm Global Inc.

BB- Stable b+ Fair Aggressive Adequate (0) bb- Neutral (0) Negative (-1)

Talen Energy Supply LLC

B+ Positive b+ Fair Aggressive Adequate (0) bb- Moderately negative (0) Negative (-1)

Covanta Holding Corp.

B+ Stable b+ Satisfactory Highly leveraged Adequate (0) b+ Moderately negative (0) Neutral (0)

Constellation Renewables LLC

B+ Stable b+ Fair Highly leveraged Adequate (0) b Neutral (0) Positive (1)

Granite Generation LLC

B+ Negative b+ Weak Aggressive Adequate (0) b+ Moderately negative (0) Neutral (0)

We publicly rate eight project developers; 50% are investment grade and 50% are speculative grade, which is similar to last year's distribution.

Table 4

Power project developers
Issuers Rating Outlook SACP Anchor Business risk profile Financial risk profile Financial policy Liquidity Management and governance

Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P.

BBB+ Stable bbb+ bbb Satisfactory Intermediate Neutral (0) Strong (0) Neutral (0)

Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P.

BBB+ Stable bbb bbb- Satisfactory Significant Neutral (0) Strong (0) Neutral (0)

Northland Power Inc.

BBB Stable bbb bbb Satisfactory Intermediate Neutral (0) Adequate (0) Neutral (0)

AES Corp. (The)

BBB- Stable bbb- bb+ Satisfactory Significant Neutral (0) Adequate (0) Neutral (0)

Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure PLC

BB+ Stable bb+ bb+ Satisfactory Significant Neutral (0) Adequate (0) Neutral (0)

Clearway Energy Inc.

BB Stable bb bb Satisfactory Aggressive Neutral (0) Adequate (0) Neutral (0)

Pattern Energy Operations L.P.

BB- Stable bb- bb- Fair Aggressive Neutral (0) Adequate (0) Neutral (0)

TerraForm Power Operating LLC

BB- Stable b+ b+ Satisfactory Highly leveraged Neutral (0) Adequate (0) Neutral (0)
SACP--Stand-alone credit profile.

Rating Distribution

In terms of rating distribution, we note that the overall distribution is broadly consistent with last year's rankings, with about 26% of the issuers being rated above 'BBB-'.

Chart 2


Outlook And CreditWatch Distribution

Our rating outlooks are mostly stable. Our ratings are underpinned by our base-case assumptions, but also generally factor in some headroom for short-term volatility related to fluctuations in weather-driven power demand, the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act, and current uncertainty around upcoming capacity auctions, including PJM.

Our expectations for increased power demand coupled with generally robust hedging practices and higher-margin capture have improved our outlook on the sector. As a result, more corporate ratings have a positive outlook. Although asset-level financings have not benefited as much as larger entities with scale have, fewer merchant power project ratings have a negative outlook compared with last year and some have maintained high availability and robust hedges.

Chart 3


Chart 4



Liquidity is neutral for all of the merchant and contracted power issuers we rate. Most power projects have forward-looking debt service reserve accounts of at least six months and corporate issuers generally have ample liquidity available under revolving credit facilities. We also assess the liquidity of two issuers, Constellation Energy Generation LLC and Brookfield Renewable Partners, as strong due to their robust projected sources of liquidity compared with uses.

Business Risk Profile Distribution

Of the 22 issuers rated under S&P Global Ratings' corporate (14) and project developer (8) criteria, 86% of our business risk assessments are either satisfactory or fair. These assessments typically reflect some degree of cash flow visibility due to contractual agreements and some scale. We also assess two companies as having a business risk profile of strong, Constellation Energy Generation LLC and NextEra Energy Partners L.P.

Chart 5


Operations Phase Business Assessment Distribution

Of the 32 issuers rated under our project finance criteria, there is a diverse range of operations phase business assessments (OPBAs). All the projects that we view as merchant (21) have an OPBA of 9 or higher, primarily due to their inherent market risk exposure. The contracted power projects have a wider range of OPBAs, spurred by different underlying technologies and contractual profiles.

Chart 6


Debt Maturity Distribution

Here we show the quantitative ratings upgrade and downgrade metrics, organized by rating category. While many project entities are closer to the downside trigger, we note the projected minimum DSCR often occurs later in the life of the asset, and we view near-term DCSRs to be generally strong (given our positive outlook on the sector). Therefore, most project finance ratings are currently stable.

Chart 7


The vast majority of our publicly rated power project financings are financed with term loan B structures that have a 7-year loan life. As a result, 38% of these loans mature within the next 2 years and 81% of loans mature within 5 years. The longer dated maturities all correspond to fully or partially contracted power projects that are financed with fully amortizing loan structures.

Chart 8


Similarly, revolving credit facilities are generally five-year facilities for power projects. We consider revolving credit facilities crucial for most projects to maintain adequate liquidity and support debt service reserve accounts and we generally expect these facilities to be fully refinanced.

Chart 9


This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analysts:Kimberly E Yarborough, CFA, New York + 1 (212) 438 1089;
Aneesh Prabhu, CFA, FRM, New York + 1 (212) 438 1285;
Secondary Contacts:Luqman Ali, CFA, New York (1) 212-438-0557;
Vania Dimova, New York + 1 (212) 438 0447;
Viviane Gosselin, Toronto + 1 (416) 5072542;
Helena Hao, Toronto +1 416 507 2594;
Umair Khan, CFA, New York + 1 (416) 507 2520;
Brian Ludlow, CFA, Toronto (1) 437-225-2359;
Maya Niu, CFA, Toronto;
Diego Weisvein, Englewood + 1 (212) 438 0523;
Research Assistant:Cassidy Deaver, New York

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