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SF Credit Brief: CLO Insights 2023 U.S. BSL Index: Lower-Rated Assets Decline Slightly In July; A Look At Metrics For Downgraded CLO Tranches

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SF Credit Brief: CLO Insights 2023 U.S. BSL Index: Lower-Rated Assets Decline Slightly In July; A Look At Metrics For Downgraded CLO Tranches

(Editor's Note: This report is S&P Global Ratings' monthly summary update of U.S. BSL CLO Index's credit metrics and notable credit themes.)


Corporate downgrades continue to outpace upgrades each month, but the count of corporate downgrades amongst U.S. broadly syndicated loan (BSL) collateralized loan obligation (CLO) obligors slowed in July 2023 to a recent low. Downgrades into the 'CCC' category slowed down in July, with only one obligor compared to 13 in June; and there has been a slight decline in 'B-', 'CCC' category, and nonperforming exposures in July. Despite the slight reduction in CLO exposure to obligors rated 'B-' and below, the proportion of U.S. BSL CLO obligors with a negative rating outlook continues to inch up slightly.

Loan prices have increased somewhat across CLO portfolios, with the average price across the index increasing to 95.3, the highest level over the past year. Junior overcollateralization (O/C) ratios and par balances continue to decline as June and July reports continue to get processed, although they still have (on average) a health cushion. Perhaps the plateauing of CLO 'CCC' buckets in July, combined with the increase in loan prices, may benefit BSL CLO junior O/C test cushions in the coming months.

Table 1

CLO BSL Index metrics (CLO Insights 2022-2023 U.S. BSL Index)
As of date 'B-' (%) 'CCC' category (%) Nonperforming assets (%) SPWARF WARR (%) Watch negative (%) Negative outlook (%) Weighted avg. price of portfolio ($) Jr. O/C cushion (%) % of target par 'B-' on negative outlook (%)
July 31, 2022(i) 29.36 3.49 0.25 2723 59.85 1.33 10.92 93.82 4.76 100.03 1.82
Aug. 31, 2022(i) 29.77 3.59 0.50 2746 59.80 0.95 11.50 94.79 4.79 100.05 1.89
Sept. 30, 2022(i) 29.55 3.77 0.45 2743 59.89 1.02 12.70 92.06 4.74 100.04 2.68
Oct. 31, 2022(i) 29.52 4.45 0.32 2746 59.86 0.52 13.75 92.44 4.75 100.08 3.16
Nov. 30, 2022(i) 30.43 4.48 0.27 2743 59.92 0.32 13.89 93.09 4.74 100.08 3.52
Dec. 31, 2022(i) 30.44 4.91 0.42 2756 59.93 0.12 14.61 92.83 4.75 100.10 3.75
Jan. 31, 2023(i) 30.52 5.12 0.39 2759 60.04 0.16 15.14 94.73 4.65 100.09 3.87
Feb. 28, 2023(i) 30.88 4.78 0.61 2764 59.87 0.22 15.95 94.62 4.57 100.07 4.10
March 31, 2023(i) 30.95 4.97 0.60 2761 59.69 0.32 16.37 93.93 4.47 100.07 4.22
April 30, 2023(i) 31.10 5.42 0.63 2770 59.57 0.32 16.89 94.20 4.39 100.04 5.39
May 31, 2023(i) 30.02 6.31 0.73 2789 59.40 0.52 16.18 93.31 4.24 99.95 4.71
June 30, 2023(ii) 29.20 6.90 0.69 2781 59.41 0.48 16.07 94.81 4.11 99.90 4.81
July 21, 2023(iii) 28.84 6.83 0.66 2773 59.14 0.31 16.73 95.30 4.10 99.89 5.43
(i)Index metrics based on end-of-month ratings and pricing data and as of month portfolio data available. (ii)Index metrics based on June 30, 2023, ratings and pricing data and latest portfolio data available to us. (iii)Index metrics based on July 21, 2023, ratings and pricing data and latest portfolio data available to us. BSL CLO--Broadly syndicated loan collateralized loan obligation. SPWARF--S&P Global Ratings' weighted average rating factor. WARR--Weighted average recovery rate. O/C--Overcollateralization.

Table 2

U.S. BSL CLO obligor rating downgrades (2022-2023)
Total DG DG to 'B-' DG into 'CCC' category DG to below 'CCC-'
Jul-22 16 7 4 1
Aug-22 34 10 9 3
Sep-22 37 14 9 3
Oct-22 30 7 9 5
Nov-22 30 7 6 2
Dec-22 35 8 15 3
Jan-23 18 3 4 1
Feb-23 32 5 5 8
Mar-23 48 13 7 13
Apr-23 32 6 9 5
May-23 42 8 13 10
Jun-23 34 3 13 9
Jul-23(i) 14 3 1 5
(i)Through July 21, 2023. BSL--Broadly syndicated loan. CLO--Collateralized loan obligation. DG--Downgrade.

Table 3

Notable downgrades across widely held U.S. BSL CLO obligors(i)
Action date Issuer name GIC Current Previous Rank within U.S. BSL CLOs
6/5/2023 Constant Contact Inc. Software B-/Stable B/Negative 251 to 500
6/6/2023 Radiology Partners Holdings LLC Health care providers and services CCC+/Negative B-/Negative 251 to 500
6/9/2023 WIN Waste Innovations Holdings Inc. Electric utilities CCC+/Negative B/Negative 251 to 500
6/23/2023 VICTORS INTERMEDIATE HOLDING II CORPORATION Building products CCC+/Negative B-/Stable 251 to 500
6/26/2023 Quest Software US Holdings Inc. Software CCC+/Stable B-/Negative Top 250
6/29/2023 ADMI Corp. Health care providers and services B-/Stable B/Negative Top 250
6/29/2023 BCPE NORTH STAR US HOLDCO 2, INC. Food products CCC+/Negative B-/Negative 251 to 500
6/29/2023 SWF Holdings I Corp. Household durables CCC+/Negative B-/Negative 251 to 500
7/13/2023 Project Alpha Intermediate Holding Inc. Software B-/Stable B/Watch Neg 251 to 500
(i)Through July 21, 2023. GIC--Global industry classification. BSL CLO--Broadly syndicated loan collateralized loan obligation. D--Default. SD--Selective default.

O/C Test Cushions And Other Metrics Differentiate CLO Tranches With Ratings Lowered In 2020

Par balance and credit quality (amongst other things) are key factors of our credit analysis for surveillance of CLO ratings. To help illustrate how the CLO tranches that experienced a rating downgrade in 2020 compared with CLO tranches with a rating that was affirmed during the year, we looked at various metrics across these two cohorts of CLO notes.

Table 4

Average CLO metrics across rating actions taken on reinvesting U.S. BSL CLOs in 2020
Average outlook negative exposure (%) Average 'B-' exposure (%) Average of 'CCC' category exposure (%) Average nonperforming exposure (%) Average trustee O/C ratio (%) Average trustee O/C cushion (%) Average SPWARF Average O/C ratio (no 'CCC' haircut) (%) Average subordination (no 'CCC' haircut) (%)
'BBB' affirmation 38.21 24.39 11.83 1.61 110.64 2.58 2858 112.30 10.94
'BBB' downgrade 41.05 24.67 12.45 2.29 108.60 0.57 2880 110.67 9.63
'BB' affirmation 36.70 25.03 10.71 1.32 106.95 1.96 2838 108.10 7.48
'BB' downgrade 39.68 24.26 12.34 1.89 104.59 0.34 2870 106.49 6.08
'B' affirmation 36.02 24.35 11.26 1.46 105.35 2.42 2833 106.23 5.76
'B' downgrade 39.09 24.22 12.01 2.21 102.20 (0.39) 2855 104.15 3.98
BSL--Broadly ssyndicated loan. CLO--Collateralized loan obligation. O/C--Overcollateralization. SPWARF--S&P Global Ratings' weighted average rating factor.

In table 4, we compare various average metrics across downgraded and affirmed CLO notes originally rated within the 'BBB', 'BB', and 'B' rating categories. We find across all three rating categories, most of the credit metrics are worse across the CLO notes that were downgraded, versus the notes that were affirmed. We find the trustee-calculated O/C test cushions as well as the subordination levels of the CLO notes were notably different between the downgraded and affirmed notes. For example, the downgraded tranches across all three rating categories all had less than 1% average trustee O/C cushion at the time of downgrade, relative to the affirmed tranches, most of which had greater than 2% cushion, on average.

As of today, the average junior O/C cushion across our index of 549 reinvesting U.S. BSL CLOs hovers around 4.1% (see table 1); though, 29 transactions out of the index have less than 1% junior O/C cushion (of which three are currently failing). All but one of these transactions are pre-pandemic transactions (issued before March 2020) and experienced par loss as well as credit deterioration during the pandemic downturn in 2020. Across this cohort of 29 transactions with lower junior O/C cushions, we find par loss as the most common factor, with the average current portfolio par balance at 97.4% of target par balances at close, well below the average of 99.9% across the entire index. The average 'CCC' basket and exposure to nonperforming assets, on the other hand, are 7.7% and 1.0%, respectively (not as far off from the index averages of 6.8% and 0.7%).

U.S. BSL CLO Top Obligors And Industries Report: Second-Quarter 2023

S&P Global Ratings has updated its quarterly lists of the top companies with loan issuances held by U.S. broadly syndicated collateralized loan obligations (BSL CLOs) and the industry categories these companies operate within, both ranked on a dollar-weighted basis (see "CLO Spotlight: U.S. BSL CLO Top Obligors And Industries Report: Second-Quarter 2023," published July 19, 2023. The information is based on the most recent trustee reports available to us as of the end of second-quarter 2023.

Full details of the information are available through our interactive dashboard, by clicking here: q2-2023. The below image is a preview.


This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Credit Analysts:Daniel Hu, FRM, New York + 1 (212) 438 2206;
Stephen A Anderberg, New York + (212) 438-8991;
Secondary Contact:Deegant R Pandya, New York + 1 (212) 438 1289;

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