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SF Credit Brief: Some $54 Billion Of U.S. Securitization Issuance In May 2021; $270 Billion YTD, Up Over 60% Year Over Year


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SF Credit Brief: Some $54 Billion Of U.S. Securitization Issuance In May 2021; $270 Billion YTD, Up Over 60% Year Over Year

U.S. structured finance new issuance across the four major sectors (asset-backed securities [ABS], commercial mortgage-backed securities [CMBS], collateralized loan obligation [CLO], residential mortgage-backed securities [RMBS]) totaled more than $54 billion in May 2021, bringing the year-to-date (YTD) total to $270 billion, up 63% year over year from $166 billion for the same period a year ago. All four major sectors are ahead of last year's pace, with CLOs leading the way (+141%). CLO refinancings (refis) and resets, which we do not count in the new issue total, are already up to approximately $112 billion, bringing the combined CLO total to $175 billion--easily on pace to break the full-year record of $285 billion. Meanwhile, ABS issuance is up 70%, and our full-year forecast of $220 billion for the sector appears to have some risk to the upside. RMBS is 31% above last year's corresponding period and, after trailing through the first quarter, CMBS is now up 16%. Finally, the structured finance market is likely to build on the 63% advantage over 2020 in June: Last year's issuance was just under $40 billion for the month, well below the average monthly total thus far during 2021.

May Issuance By Major Sector


ABS issuance was over $27 billion in May. Auto loan and lease ABS totaled $9 billion during the month, esoteric/nontraditional was $5 billion, commercial (equipment, fleet lease, and dealer floor plan) was $900 million, personal loan was $3 billion, and student loan was $6 billion.


CLO new issuance activity was $13 billion, with refis/resets totaling more than $17 billion. To put the YTD refi/reset volume of $112 billion in perspective (again), the annual record is $167 billion in 2017.


Private-label CMBS issuance (not including commercial real estate [CRE] CLOs) was $5 billion in May, including two conduits and seven single-borrower deals. Of some note, the CRE CLO market (not included in our new-issue figures) is already testing the recent 2019 annual highs less than halfway through the year.


RMBS issuance totaled nearly $9 billion in May, which included roughly $2 billion in non-qualified mortgage, approximately $4 billion in prime (including prime jumbo) offerings, approximately $400 million in reperforming/nonperforming loan (RPL/NPL), and a couple billion from other types of collateral, including single-family rental, seasoned loans, home equity lines of credit, Fannie Mae mortgage servicing rights, business purpose loans, bridge loans, etc.

Annual Breakdown

Table 1 and chart 1 show a breakdown of U.S. structured finance issuance through May 31, 2021.

Table 1

U.S. Structured Finance Issuance YTD
(Bil. $)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 YTD 2021 YTD 2021F
ABS 183 191 229 239 244 193 70 119 220
CMBS 95 69 88 77 96 53 26 30 70
CLO 98 72 118 129 118 93 27 66 120
RMBS 54 34 70 95 124 114 43 56 130
Total U.S. new issue 430 366 505 540 582 453 166 270 540
CLO reset/refi(i) 10 39 167 156 43 33 25 112 N/A
CRE CLOs(i) 5 3 8 14 18 8 3 19 N/A
(i)Not included in new issue total. YTD--Year to date. ABS--Asset-backed securities. CMBS--Commercial mortgage-backed securities. CRE--Commercial real estate. CLO--Collateralized loan obligation. RMBS--Residential mortgage-backed securities. N/A--Not applicable. Sources: S&P Global Ratings, LCD/S&P Global Market Intelligence, Bloomberg, Intex, Asset-Backed Alert, and Commercial Mortgage Alert. Note: Figures were rounded after calculations, and may be revised from time to time based on new information.


This report does not constitute a rating action.

Primary Contact:Brenden J Kugle, Centennial + 1 (303) 721 4619;
Secondary Contact:James M Manzi, CFA, Washington D.C. + 1 (202) 383 2028;

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