CENTENNIAL (S&P Global Ratings) July 29, 2019--Health Care Service Corp. (HCSC) announced the departure of its President and CEO, Paula Steiner, on July 24, 2019, closely followed by the exit of its CFO, Eric Feldstein. HCSC's Board of Directors has named David Lesar--a current Board member--as interim CEO. Maurice Smith, who has a long tenure with HCSC and most recently was the President of its Illinois health plan, will take over as President of HCSC. HCSC has a history of long-tenured senior executives, with deep bench strength supporting the senior management team. But, this unexpected leadership change is a departure from its traditionally smooth management transitions.
However, S&P Global Ratings isn't revising our ratings at this time, given HCSC's core credit strengths that would likely survive a potential strategic shift under new leadership. HCSC has a low debt burden, extremely strong capitalization supported by over $12 billion of statutory capital, strong operating performance (about 6% return on revenue in 2018), and leading market positions in its core commercial (employer-group) markets. It doesn't have similar business strengths in its government-sponsored businesses (Medicare and Medicaid), where it has been expanding, albeit slowly. Despite the strain from the government business, overall operating performance has improved, and is in line with similarly rated peers. Additionally, the strong local brand will continue to support the credit strengths in its core markets.
Sudden departures of senior executives can often raise questions about the possibility of deeper problems at the organization. HCSC's public release has been noticeably silent about the reason for the departures. The unexpected changes give us pause because they may indicate a strategic shift for the future of the company. However, we don't think there is a "smoking gun" that is yet to be found. HCSC's performance has been strong of late, which indicates to us that it was most likely strategic direction, and not operating performance that was the reason for the leadership change.
We will closely monitor the management transitions at HCSC, and interact with the new team on strategic priorities for the insurer. We will track any meaningful changes to its credit strengths that may have a negative impact on the ratings.
This report does not constitute a rating action.
Primary Credit Analyst: | Deep Banerjee, Centennial (1) 212-438-5646; shiladitya.banerjee@spglobal.com |
Secondary Contact: | James Sung, New York (1) 212-438-2115; james.sung@spglobal.com |
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