S&P Global Ratings has recently published its ESG Principles In Credit Ratings criteria and released more information on ESG Credit Indicators, both of which further enhance transparency with respect to ESG in credit ratings.
The criteria formalizes and restates--in a single article--our existing analytical approach to capturing ESG factors in credit ratings. ESG Credit Indicators provide additional disclosure by reflecting our opinion of how material the influence of ESG factors is on the various analytical components in our rating analysis.
Environmental, Social, And Governance Principles In Credit Ratings
ESG Credit Indicator Definitions And Application
Our senior analysts will host live interactive webinars to discuss the criteria in more detail, provide other relevant ESG updates and answer any questions market participants may have.
Peter Kernan, Managing Director, Criteria Officer
Emmanuel Volland, Senior Director
Pierre Georges, Senior Director
Lapo Guadagnuolo, Managing Director, Criteria Officer
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