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Next in Tech | Ep. 179: Kagan Media Summit


MediaTalk | Season 2 | Ep. 27 - College Football Preview & Venu Injunction


Next in Tech | Ep. 181: Lighting up Fiber


MediaTalk | Season 2 | Ep. 26 - Premier League Kicks Off


Next in Tech | Ep. 180 - Datacenters and Energy Utilities

Listen: Next in Tech | Ep. 179: Kagan Media Summit

For the first time since the pandemic, the Kagan Media and Telecom Summit was back in person in New York, with a packed agenda looking at topics ranging from sports media rights to broadband technology and regulatory changes. Analysts Justin Nielson and John Fletcher join host Eric Hanselman to explore the insights and aspects that made up the Summit. There are media rights deals that have shattered previous records in the NBA and women’s sports, such as the U.S. National Women’s Soccer League. Advertising technology has changed how market participants are looking at monetization. Given this is an election year, ad spending will be booming and additional advertising channels add complexity to value and pricing. 

Broadband was a new addition to the Summit program, given the importance of interconnection and the various developments that are roiling the markets. There are ongoing concerns about effective ways of addressing the digital divide, the gap between those that are digitally well-connected and those that are not, whether that’s because of availability or economic issues. The U.S. federal Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program is trying to be the Rural Electrification Act (REA) for the new century, but funds have been delayed for years and still won’t address economic inequities. The intersection of broadband and content is swinging the pendulum on bundling of service offerings back to packaging of offerings, after years of focus on unbundling. Content providers, streaming services and service providers and hoping to garner new business as consumers look for simplification.

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