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Access the market’s most extensive source of Credit Default Swaps data

Support your price discovery, risk management, compliance, research and valuations requirements with independent pricing and liquidity metrics on CDS single names, indices, options, tranches and sector curves. Find live, intraday, same-day and end-of-day price updates, driven by over 4M+ data points from 20+ market makers in the form of official books of record, live quotes and clearing submissions.

Key Features


The data is processed using rigorous automated cleaning tests to ensure that the highest quality prices are published

Extensive Coverage

 3,800 CDS entities and all major credit indices; 3 million daily quotes covering 10,000+ CDS curves

Timely Updates

Streaming, same-day snapshot, and end-of-day update availability

Dedicated Support

Direct access to S&P Global analysts for data queries and price challenges

Flexible Delivery Options

Distribution via SFTP flat files, API access, our Excel plug-in or the Price Viewer web portal

Data Integrity

Rigorous data-cleaning process and checks by our analysts ensure the highest quality data

700+ Customers

Plus extensive 3rd party distribution channels and platform integration

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Platform Benefits


Obtain best in class, transparent CDS data for IPV and NAV backed by our well-established and unparalleled methodology, plus our broad range of pricing sources.

Fair Value: Leverage our detailed liquidity metrics to classify assets within an IFRS 13 fair value hierarchy.

Risk Management

CVA/XVA: Derive Probabilities of Default with our single name spreads and pull our sector curves as ideal proxies.

Apply our CDS data, backed by our extensive history, for use as risk factors under Basel 2.5, FRTB frameworks, VAR and stress testing.

Price Discovery & Research

Live streaming prices and unrivalled historical data set for trade ideas and comprehensive micro or macro analysis.

Compliance & Regulation

Calculate additional Valuation Adjustments and comply with Prudent Valuation with our dispersion metrics.

TCA: Insight to enhance and synchronize trading related execution quality.

View our web-based Price Viewer Portal

Convenient access to an extensive range of financial market data and analytics on a single platform

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