Get daily price and spread levels for instruments cleared by ICE
Markit ICE Settlement Prices are the daily price and spread levels for all CDS instruments cleared by ICE Clear Europe and ICE Clear Credit. They are the official daily prices used by ICE Clear Credit and ICE Clear Europe in their margining and risk management processes. Markit ICE Settlement Prices are calculated using contributions from ICE's clearing members. We integrate these prices with the industry standard RED for CDS identifier from S&P Global. For single name CDS reference entities, you can find prices, spreads and the recovery rate by tier, currency and restructuring type for each IMM date from 0-month to the 10-year maturity. In addition, you can access CDS indices (CDX and iTraxx) by instrument and retrieve your data through an automated feed or by a report downloaded from our website. Key benefits:
- Data integrity – Rely on objective prices based on high-quality inputs sourced from multiple clearing members with an open position at ICE
- Comprehensive coverage – Find prices for all CDS instruments cleared by ICE, with coverage continually increasing as more instruments are cleared
- Flexibility – Enjoy easy product integration into your internal systems or third-party systems via flexible delivery mechanisms