Learn more about Casualty and Events.

Casualty and Event Intelligence – Keeping You One Step Ahead

Available as an add-on module to a Sea-web subscription and integrated into the Maritime Intelligence Risk Suites (MIRS), Casualty and Events provides maritime casualties history and real-time alerts anywhere in the world.

Use multiple criteria to search hundreds of thousands of serious and non-serious casualties, total losses and demolitions, as well as piracy and pollution events. Find comprehensive information on the incident itself, exact location, casualty group, severity, number of human casualties, types of piracy attack and more.

Use Casualty and Events to Enhance Your Workflows

Vetting / Assurance

When chartering a ship, receive immediate notifications of events occurring to it between placing contract and taking control

Security / Maritime Domain Awareness

 Keep track of events happening in your waters that may have an immediate impact on the economy, environment or security

Flag States

Track and monitor maritime events for all ships under your flag


Be notified of any changes that affect your portfolio and potential exposure to risk


Receive timely alerts on casualty and events to identify new business opportunities and offer services ahead of the competition

Secure a Competitive Advantage With This Ultimate Marine Reference Tool

Request quote and more detail on Sea-web

Priority Notification of Global Casualty and Security Events

24-hour, 7 day a week email and timeline alerting system

Data Coverage

All reported events automatically processed and added to the database. Override S&P Global data analyst verification, keeping you one step ahead.

24/7 Alerting

Automated communication methods instantly deliver notifications of events reported. Available via email and timeline

All Event Searching

View both the unverified and S&P Global verified events in all search results.

Unverified Maritime Event Data and Notifications includes:

  1. Casualty – Collision, contact, fire/explosion, foundered, hull/machinery damage, missing, war loss/hostilities, wrecked/stranded
  2. Security – Terrorism, acts of piracy, drug running/smuggling, hijacking, acts of crime, human trafficking

Events Data Sources:

  1. Coastguards / SAR / Government agencies
  2. News agencies / Media 
  3. Classification Societies 
  4. S&P Global local offices and correspondents 
  5. Personal contacts 
  6. Shipbrokers 
  7. Harbour Masters / Port Authorities 
  8. Maritime Administration bodies

Components of the Events Data

Detailed components of the Events Data

24-hour, 7 days a week Timeline and Email alerting system for all reported casualty and security events, including smaller vessels under 100 GT.

The following information is provided in the alert where known:

  • Date and time of the incident
  • Vessel name (and IMO number if appropriate)
  • Type of Vessel
  • Type of Incident (Collision, Piracy, Humanitarian, etc)
  • Location of incident


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We're proud of our recent awards!

  • Best Corporate Actions Data Initiative, 2023
  • Best Overall Sell-Side Technology Provider, 2023
  • Most Innovative Regulatory Solution (Climate Risk & Transaction Reporting), 2023
  • Best Overall Data Product or Service, 2023

And, we delight in supporting our customers with 24x7x365 customer service and a 98% customer service satisfaction rate.

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