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Thematic Data Analysis Report

Thematic Data Analysis Report offers a detailed insight into material ESG topics to benchmark your company’s performance on the subject. The report is built in a modular way, so that it is possible to include an analysis of the company’s performance on the topic based on the CSA scores and data as well as to benchmark the execution against a selected peer group of companies.

This service is designed to support management decisions and to better understand the sustainability performance of the outlined peer groups included in the analysis.

Available ESG themes are Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Biodiversity and Human Rights. Please see below the details for the available themes.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

As gender diversity is being diligently considered as an investment criterion, it is essential to understand the performance of companies committed to adopting progressive measures in this area. Various indices also bring transparency to gender related policies and practices of publicly listed companies and allow investors to compare how companies worldwide invest in diversity.

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Investors and the private sector are paying more and more attention to the topic of biodiversity, but only a small share of companies globally have set targets to protect biodiversity or address deforestation, according to an analysis of new data from the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, or CSA.

This trend holds true even for regions where governments have set ambitious biodiversity goals, such as in the European Union. The EU in 2020 launched a biodiversity strategy that aims to complete 100 target actions by 2030, such as turning at least 30% of its land and sea area into legally protected areas, restoring degraded and carbon-rich ecosystems and enabling at least €20 billion per year in biodiversity-related financing.

Human Rights

Investors might identify positive impacts of a good practice in terms of human rights management by companies in the form of a better risk profile and growth potential. Good human rights practice in the form of a commitment, risk identification process, mitigation and a remediation process might indicate a better management of the risks, and a possibly lower frequency of costly controversial events.


Cybersecurity & Privacy Protection

Regulators are shining a spotlight on organizations' cyber exposure by demanding greater disclosure of cyber-related events, their impact, and information on organizations' cyber preparedness and resilience. The main aim is to enforce minimum standards and ensure company's assume responsibility for their own cyber security. Yet greater insight is also opening the door to differentiation based on cyber risks, which could have implications for company credit worthiness.