Getting ahead of climate risk requires a detailed understanding of your carbon footprint and underlying sources of carbon emissions – as well as forward looking metrics on your exposure to physical and transition climate risks.
In the Health Care sector, upstream supply chain emissions account for almost 65% of the sector’s total carbon footprint.
For the Consumer Discretionary sector, which includes car manufacturing, almost 80% of the sector’s carbon footprint comes from the downstream use of products by customers.
Companies need to quantify carbon emissions across their value chains - including business operations, supply chains, product use and disposal. Financial institutions need to quantify carbon emissions linked to their capital allocation - it could be across companies in equity and debt portfolios or bank loan books, or investments in other asset classes such as infrastructure and real estate.
We help you collect the data you already have on carbon emissions - and we provide carbon emissions data and data estimates to accelerate the process and fill in data gaps.