Global warming poses unprecedented risks to society and investors. Fortunately, climate indices help make it possible to invest in a more resilient future while maintaining broad-benchmark exposure. Leveraging powerful data from S&P Global Trucost to address different carbon reduction objectives, many of these indices align with recommendations of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and climate benchmark standards proposed by the EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance.

Our Climate Indices

Paris-Aligned & Climate Transition Index Series

Selects and weights companies to be collectively compatible with a 1.5ºC global warming climate scenario at the index level.

Explore the journey to net zero

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Carbon Efficient Index Series

Over-weights companies with lower levels of carbon emissions and under-weights companies with higher levels per unit of revenue.  

Read the paper

Find out why GPIF adopted these indices as benchmarks

Learn more about the powerful data behind these indices

Carbon Price Risk Index Series

Reweights benchmarks to account for the potential impact of carbon prices on companies’ stock prices.

Read the paper

Learn more about the implications of carbon pricing

Fossil Fuel Free Index Series

Measures the performance of companies that don’t own fossil fuel reserves, defined as economically and technically recoverable sources of crude oil, natural gas, and thermal coal.

Read the methodology

360° of Climate – Indices for Every Objective

Our climate change indices cater to a broad range of investor objectives, from divestment, decarbonization, and de-risking to holistic, science-based 1.5°C alignment.

Read the white paper

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