What Can S&P DJI's Custom Indexing Do for You?

What’s Inside the S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index?

Seeking to Minimize Carbon Intensity Systematically

How Does Indexing Small-Cap Equities Work for Insurers?

An Efficient, Rules-Based Approach to Factor Rotation

What Can S&P DJI's Custom Indexing Do for You?

  • Length 03:30

Our custom index solutions empower clients to achieve any strategy by bringing their investment ideas to life. Find out why ETF sponsors, derivative desks, financial advisors, self-indexers, structured product teams, exchanges, and plan sponsors around the globe turn to S&P DJI for their custom needs.

What’s Inside the S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index?

  • Length 1:50

Look under the hood of an innovative index designed to measure the performance of U.S. biotechnology stocks across the market-cap spectrum.

Seeking to Minimize Carbon Intensity Systematically

  • Length 1:55

Look inside the S&P Carbon Control Indices, innovative ESG tools designed to minimize weighted average carbon intensity vs. the benchmark, while maintaining single stock, country, and industry group diversification.

How Does Indexing Small-Cap Equities Work for Insurers?

  • Length 13:12

How does profitability influence risk and return in small-cap equities? S&P DJI’s Raghu Ramachandran and Garrett Glawe join Vanguard’s Ilene Kelman and Cardinal Investment Advisors’ Matt Padberg to take a closer look at aligning index objectives with strategic objectives.

An Efficient, Rules-Based Approach to Factor Rotation

  • Length 4:22

Explore how the design of the S&P 500 Factor Rotator Daily RC2 7% Index is helping democratize access to factor investing, providing a simple, rules-based blueprint for building dynamic factor strategies.

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