Tracking Australia's Growing Agribusiness Sector

A Closer Look at Indexing Equal Weight

Why What’s Inside the Style Box Matters

Defending with S&P Dividend Aristocrats

Index-Based Tools for Tracking the Future

Tracking Australia's Growing Agribusiness Sector

  • Length 9:41

The United Nations estimates a 70% increase in food supply is needed to meet a projected 2050 global population of 9.6 billion. With 70% of its agricultural production exported today, Australia could play an integral role in meeting increased demand from the global supply chain. Join Nadine Blayney of Ausbiz, Daphne van der Oord of S&P DJI, and Ken Chapman from ASX for a closer look at how the broad S&P/ASX Agribusiness Index could help market participants track and access growth in Australia’s agribusiness sector.

A Closer Look at Indexing Equal Weight

  • Length 6:30

How does indexing equal weight work in times of volatility and inflation? S&P DJI’s Craig Lazzara and Invesco’s Nick Kalivas discuss the key drivers behind equal-weight’s historical outperformance vs. the benchmark and what happens when equal weight is combined with factors and/or ESG.

Why What’s Inside the Style Box Matters

  • Length 3:06

Take a closer look at the style spectrum with S&P DJI’s Garrett Glawe and explore how index construction influences risk/return.

Defending with S&P Dividend Aristocrats

  • Length 5:02

How do S&P Dividend Aristocrats respond to volatility, inflation and rising rates? S&P DJI’s Pavel Vaynshtok and ProShares’ Simeon Hyman take a closer look at how these quality dividend growers have performed in different market environments.

Index-Based Tools for Tracking the Future

  • Length 03:32

Get to know the S&P Kensho New Economy Indices, a comprehensive, rules-based, thematic index framework powered by AI and designed to help investors better understand and precisely measure the long-term transformative trends and exponential innovation and growth of the sectors and industries driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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