Accepted for CFA® credit

A complimentary event for financial advisors and wealth managers

As concerns around volatility, inflation and climate change grow, Mexican investors are considering ways to diversify, maximize total returns and access income. Join S&P DJI and BMV as we bring together industry thought leaders and financial professionals to explore how passive strategies may offer new opportunities across regions, asset classes and themes.

Topics will also include:

  • How investors are using ESG, factor and thematic index-based solutions to diversify and combat inflation
  • How indices can help investors assess the risks of climate change, align with net zero scenarios and implement broad-market ESG strategies
  • The role that international diversification can play in defensive and growth-oriented index-based strategies
  • Global perspectives on when and where indexing has outperformed active strategies
  • Where we stand when it comes to Mexico’s green taxonomy

Featured Speakers

José-Oriol Bosch Par, BMV Group


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María del Carmen Bonilla Rodríguez, Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico

Head of the Public Credit Unit

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Mariuz Calvet, HSBC

Director of Sustainable Finance for Mexico and Latin America

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Laura Aguirre, Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico

Managing Director

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Alba Aguilar, Green Finance Advisory Council


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Rafael del Villar Alrich, Bank of Mexico

Director of Analysis and Policies of Environmental and Social Risks

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Jaime Lázaro Ruiz, BBVA

Head of Asset Management

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Juan Hernández, Vanguard

Head of Latin America

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Eduardo Arturo Carrillo Madero, Finamex

President and Managing Director of Casa de Bolsa

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David Galarza Márquez, Actinver

Managing Director

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Robert Forsyth, SSGA

Head of ETF Strategy

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Gustavo Lozano, Amundi Asset Management México

Country Manager

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Keegan Ball, Quantitative Solutions, J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Vice President

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Adriana Rangel, Vanguard Latin America

Head of Institutional Sales

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Christian Constandse, BlackRock Mexico

iShares Specialist

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Víctor Hugo Flores, Principal

CEO of Investment Funds

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