1. What is GICS and why does it matter?
Celebrating 25 years in August 2024, the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) was developed by S&P DJI and MSCI in 1999 to establish a global standard for categorizing companies into sectors and industries. GICS was developed in response to the global financial community’s need for a complete, consistent set of global sector and industry definitions that enable comparisons by company, industry, and sector.
GICS provides four levels of granularity and currently comprises 11 sectors, 25 industry groups, 74 industries and 163 sub-industries. The hierarchical design of the coding system allows for an easy transition between GICS tiers: a company’s sub-industry classification determines — in decreasing order of granularity — its industry, industry group and sector membership. The complete GICS classification for each company is an eight-digit code with text description.
The GICS structure has evolved over time to ensure that the company groupings provide an up-to-date reflection of market segments. These updates have historically impacted the number of segments at each level of the GICS hierarchy, and they can affect the definitions of various segments and the resulting company classifications.