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Anjali Singh
Executive Chairperson, ANAND GroupAnoop Desai
Head of Sustainable MobilityChengyin Yuan 原诚寅
Director & General Manager, National New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center, NEVC China (国家新能源汽车技术创新中心主任、总经理)Claudio Vittori
Sr. Technical Research Analyst, Powertrain & E-Mobility Component Research, S&P Global MobilityC V Raman
Chief Technology Officer, Maruti Suzuki India limitedDaisuke Takeda 武田大輔
Managing Director, APTIV APTIV取締役社長Francis Liu 刘展术
Vice President of Marketing, VOYAHGavin Adda
Chief Executive Officer, TotalEnergies Renewables (DG) for Asia Pacific, also Director of TotalEnergies ENEOS Renewables Distributed Generation AsiaHaidong Xu
Deputy Chief Engineer, CAAMHan Gao
Senior Research Analyst, Automotive Supply Chain & Technology, S&P Global MobilityHawon Lee
Senior Analyst, Automotive Supply Chain & Technology, S&P Global MobilityHayato Akizuki 秋月勇人
Director, EV System, General Research Institute, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 日産自動車株式会社総合研究所EVシステム研究所 所長Haruhiro Imizu 井水治博
President, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Co., Ltd. 日刊工業新聞社 代表取締役社長Henner Lehne
Vice President, Vehicle & Powertrain Forecasting, S&P Global MobilityHirofumi Nitta 仁田 博史
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Research Advisor, professor, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry 一般財団法人電力中央研究所研究アドバイザーKazunari Kumakura 熊倉和生
Chief Officer, Purchasing Group, Toyota Motor Corporation トヨタ自動車株式会社調達本部 本部長Kohei Yoshida 吉田耕平
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Vice President, Automotive Advisory, S&P Global MobilityKuniharu Tanabe 田邉 国治
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General Manager, BorgWarner Morse Systems Japan K.K. ボルグワーナー・モールスシステムズ・ジャパン(株式会社) 代表取締役社長Leah Chen
Senior Metals Pricing Analyst, S&P Global Commodity InsightsMark Fontecchio
Research Analyst for the Internet of Things practice at 451 Research, a part of S&P Global Market IntelligenceMasayasu Ishikawa 石川 雅康
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Analyst & Chief Executive Officer, NAKANISHI Research Institute ナカニシ自動車産業リサーチ 代表アナリストTakeshi Kataoka 片岡 健
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Senior Vice President, Planning Solutions, S&P Global MobilityTom De Vleesschauwer
Global Transport & Mobility Practice Leader, S&P Global MobilityTony Weber
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Vice President and Chief Technical Officer, Shenzhen Hangsheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
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