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Former UK Prime Minister: US, EU must unite against China's tech ambitions


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Former UK Prime Minister: US, EU must unite against China's tech ambitions

Former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair is urging American and European policymakers to unite against China's move to transform itself into a high-tech superpower that stands to lead the world in 5G and artificial intelligence.

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Former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair at Web Summit 2018
Source: Web Summit

Speaking Nov. 7 at a tech conference in Lisbon, Portugal, Blair said a transatlantic regulatory alliance between America and Europe would help in the fight against China's "aggressive" push to gain global, tech dominance.

"We've got a lot in common in our values," he said. "The world is going to look quite different geopolitically in future. [We] should stick together."

Blair's comments follow discussions at the European Union to unveil a new tax regime for tech firms, allowing EU member states to tax the profits generated in their territories, regardless of whether a company has a physical presence there. The policy would be applied to the digital profits of large tech firms generated from selling online advertising, monetizing user data and facilitating user interaction and any sales of goods and services between them.

The former prime minister cautioned that lawmakers should be "wary" of anything that resembles a "tech backlash" and regulation that "does more damage than good."

Blair also criticized a similar law announced Oct. 29 in Britain, noting that an international solution would be more effective. Britain's 2% digital services levy on search engines, social media platforms and online marketplaces will take effect in April 2020, if an international solution fails to emerge.

"If individual countries do it, it's not nearly as effective as when people come together," he said.