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The Evolution of Cloud Banking | Successful Implementation & Frameworks

Tuesday, March 2, 2021
1 Hour

As customer interactions become digital by necessity and as mandatory remote working become “normal,” public cloud adoption and migration has moved to the top of banking institutions’ C-suite agendas. In a world where business disruption is the rule and not the exception, banks need IT environments that are optimized to support change. Public cloud offers a range of cost, agility and efficiency benefits, but it’s not just about technology. Cloud can help banks with both the business and IT transformations needed to lean into the shift to a digital economy and respond to disruptive shocks such as the global coronavirus pandemic. But security, regulatory, and organizational challenges must be overcome to ensure strict compliance frameworks are met.

Join our panelists as we discuss:

  • The state of cloud adoption and cloud maturity
  • Hybrid IT: a potentially transformative middle ground
  • The need for banks, cloud service providers and regulators to work together to promote innovation


S&P Global Contributor
Julian Schmücker is the Senior Policy Adviser in the EBF Innovation & Cybersecurity Team. Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
Melanie Posey is the Research Director for the Cloud & Managed Services Transformation at 451 Research, a part of S&P Global Market Intelligence. Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
Ben Meggeson is head of S&P Global Market Intelligence's EMEA financials news team. Full Bio

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