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SNL Banker: Mining Core Transactions to Deliver Key Insights

Monday, November 16, 2020
30 mintues

Gaining insights into customer behavior is critical now more than ever for financial institutions. Join SNL Banker Business Intelligence Advisors Christian DiStefano and McKayla Woolridge as they explore examples of how clients used SNL Banker to answer key questions, including:

  • Where are customer deposits going when they leave the bank?
  • Where are customers accessing and spending their money?
  • Which customers are using ATMs and other delivery channels?
  • Which of our customers are using competitors’ ATMs?
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S&P Global Contributor
Keith Taylor is the Senior Product Manager for SNL Banker, joining the team in February of 2015. Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
Christian DiStefano is the Implementation Specialist on the SNL Banker Advisor Team, and has been with S&P Global for two years. Full Bio
S&P Global Contributor
McKayla Wooldridge is an Associate Analyst for Customer Experience & Commerce at 451 Research, part S&P Global Market Intelligence. Full Bio


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