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RBL Bank Limited ESG Score

  • Ticker: RBLBANK
  • Industry: BNK Banks
  • Location: Republic of India
The S&P Global ESG Score cannot be compared across industries. It measures a company's sustainability performance relative to peers within the same industry classification.

S&P Global ESG Score


Data Availability :

Updated annually or in response to major developments

Score Composition


Score Breakdown

  • Industry Max
  • Industry Mean
        Notification: For the Methodology Year 2023 onwards, the S&P Global ESG Score incorporates question-level scores based on modeling approaches in the absence of disclosure. For more information, please refer to the methodology documentation.

        ESG Score Contribution

        S&P Global ESG Score Definition The S&P Global ESG Score measures a company's performance on and management of material ESG risks, opportunities, and impacts informed by a combination of company disclosures, media and stakeholder analysis, modeling approaches, and in-depth company engagement via the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).

        View All
        CSA Required Public Disclosure
        • Disclosure Rate
          72 %
          Data Availability Relative to Peers
        • Maximum Industry Score
          Potential Score based on Disclosure Rate
        • Actual Score based on Disclosure
        CSA Additional Disclosure
        • Disclosure Rate
          Data Availability Relative to Peers
          Very High
        • Maximum Industry Score
          Potential Score based on Disclosure Rate
        • Actual Score based on Disclosure
        S&P Global CSA Score = 39
        Modeled Scores
        • Number of questions based on modeling approaches
        • Questions based on modeling approaches vary by industry
        Modeled Scores = 2
        S&P Global ESG Score
        • Updated annually as of November 24, 2023
        S&P Global ESG Score = 41/ 100
        Download Disclosure Analysis Brochure
        The charts above show the breakdown of the S&P Global ESG Score by question-level scores based on disclosed data and question-level scores based on modeling approaches in the absence of disclosure.

        Company vs Industry Performance

        S&P Global has selected the most relevant criteria in each sustainability dimension based on their weight in the assessment and their current or expected significance for the industry. The adjacent spider chart visualizes the performance against the best score achieved within the industry in each criterion and the mean industry score.

        NEW *If no score is shown, the criterion is material to the industry but not to the company's business case.


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        The S&P Global ESG Scores (including their key component the S&P Global CSA Scores) are produced and issued by S&P Global Sustainable1 utilizing the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) and/or publicly available information. The S&P Global ESG Scores and its related materials have been published here solely for informational purposes based upon information generally available to the public and from sources believed to be reliable. The S&P Global ESG Scores (including their key component the S&P Global CSA Scores) are global ESG Scores based on S&P Global Sustainable1’s proprietary global ESG Score methodology. S&P Global Sustainable1 reserves the right to change a company’s ESG Score from time to time, in accordance with its proprietary methodologies, policies and procedures. The S&P Global ESG Scores (as may be updated) are provided “as is” and reflect S&P Global Sustainable1’s opinion as of the date they are expressed and do not constitute statements of fact. 

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        S&P Global is committed to providing transparency to the market through high-quality independent opinions on sustainability. Safeguarding the quality, independence, and integrity of the S&P Global ESG Scores and related information, including by identifying and managing potential conflicts of interest, is embedded in its culture and at the core of everything S&P Global does. S&P Global keeps certain activities of its business units separate from each other in order to preserve the independence and objectivity of their respective activities. As a result, certain business units of S&P Global may have information that is not available to other S&P Global units. S&P Global has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of certain non-public information received in connection with each analytical process.

        Local Country Conditions


        The use of S&P Global ESG Scores on Indian Companies, which are issued by S&P Global Sustainable1, shall be restricted for use by users based in India as outlined by the applicable ESG rating provider regulation and associated guidance.

        The S&P Global ESG Scores (including their key component S&P Global CSA Scores) are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities and do not address the suitability of any Indian security for investment decision making, investment analysis, compliance or research purposes related to ESG investment, performance, and practices or other related ancillary purposes in India. The S&P Global ESG Scores should not be relied on and are not a substitute for the skill, judgment and experience of the user, its management, employees, advisors and/or clients when making investment and other business decisions. For clarity, but otherwise subject to the foregoing and the Guidelines, S&P Global Sustainable1’s S&P Global ESG Scores on Indian listed companies may be used by the rated entity (i) for their internal reference, (ii) to reference their score on their investor relations or similar company webpage, or company social media webpages, and/or (iii) in their corporate sustainability report (or similar) and/or annual report, all subject to appropriate source attribution to S&P Global Sustainable1.

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