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Data Analysis Report

The Data Analysis Report (DAR) is available as a standalone service for companies that have participated in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). The DAR is designed to address the need of an in-depth analysis on selected area of the CSA, based on the information collected through the questionnaire.

The service consists of two reports in presentation format: a “CSA Performance Outline Report” covering a high-level company’s CSA performance overview and a “Data Analysis Report” at question level including an item-by -item performance and data-point analysis for all selected questions. The DAR covers a minimum range of three questions selected from the CSA questionnaire for your industry. An initial workshop and a final feedback session with the customer are included

Key Takeaways 

Amplify your key sustainability objectives with the DAR:

  • deduce your company’s current standing among competitors in your industry through question-level score distribution charts and the gap analysis
  • go over high-level performance overview insights with quantitative and qualitative feedback on your company’s dimension and criteria results
  • establish efficiency in communicating CSA feedback with Sustainability teams in your company including a workshop with a benchmarking representative from S&P Global

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