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About S&P Global
Corporate Responsibility
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
S&P Global’s technology and data capabilities are accelerating innovation and our ability to launch new products. To maintain these top-notch capabilities and navigate rapidly evolving markets, we challenge our people to disrupt how we think and operate, to drive productivity, improve agility and increase value for our customers. We promote our colleagues’ future-readiness through opportunities to learn and apply leading-edge tech skills.
We are committed to ensuring that our people have every opportunity to grow in a dynamic technology environment. The EssentialTECH and EssentialINNOVATION teams bring opportunities to build skills, capabilities and mindsets to address the business and career development needs of today and tomorrow. To stay ahead of the curve and support fast-changing business needs, we rely on cross-functional and cross-divisional advisory groups to help inform and shape the direction of our development programming (for details, see Innovation and Technology in the S&P Global Impact Report 2022)
S&P Global
"For years, we have used AI and machine learning to drive and accelerate innovation at S&P Global. In the years ahead, we are excited to continue to leverage the latest advancements in AI to transform how we deliver the essential intelligence our customers rely on."
CEO, Kensho Technologies and Chief AI Officer
tech training hours
training course completions
external tech hires
internal tech hires
technology employees who moved into new technology roles
non-technology employees in all divisions who moved into technology roles
12 All tech training metrics exclude automotiveMastermind, CARFAX and Kensho, as well as nonpermanent employees.
13 Hiring and mobility metrics exclude automotiveMastermind, CRISIL, CARFAX, Taiwan Ratings Corp. and OSTTRA.
S&P Global is building artificial intelligence (AI) solutions that unlock the critical insights hidden in data to power many of the workflows across the enterprise internally and allow our customers to make faster and more informed decisions. In 2023, our EssentialTECH and EssentialINNOVATION teams pivoted to support this monumental opportunity. We reorganized these development teams to fall within our newly appointed Chief AI Officer’s organization alongside Kensho, S&P Global’s AI and innovation hub. By aligning with Kensho’s AI knowledge base and culture, our EssentialTECH and EssentialINNOVATION teams are all the more prepared to deliver on their mission to provide our workforce with learning enablement opportunities in emergent technologies.
See EssentialTECH and EssentialINNOVATION for more about how we provide our people with development opportunities in emergent technologies.
S&P Global’s LLM/GenAI learning journey launched with a mandate to introduce large language models (LLM) and generative AI (GenAI) to the entire company and create a broad base of people with technical skills to fine-tune and build LLMs. By the end of 2023, the program had supported 1,500+ course completions across tech and non-tech roles and hosted 10,000+ employees in 15+ educational events. To apply learning, colleagues participated in hackathons and could experiment in the playground of our in-housebuilt Ask ChatGPT platform
* Excludes CARFAX, automotiveMastermind and Kensho.
See data tables in the Appendix.
Our people apply cutting-edge technologies to uncover new insights for customers, providing the Essential Intelligence® our customers rely on. Through our AI innovations, our data contains unique insights not available to models trained on public data, and we are able to build new customer experiences by translating, predicting and answering using large language models.
As an example, S&P Global Sustainable1’s ClimateMap applies AI and other state-of-the-art technologies to provide transparency on climate physical risks anywhere in the world. The app enables customers to explore how climate change might affect their locations today and in future scenarios.
* Vitality Index is a metric used to show the revenue impact of innovation across the organization. The index is calculated by innovation revenue as a proportion of total revenue. It includes only products that are new or significantly enhanced.
** Excludes CRISIL.
Kensho by S&P Global partnered with EssentialINNOVATION on an internal crowdsourcing initiative to collect high-quality, domain-specific training data from S&P Global subject matter experts to advance our adoption of GenAI. Following the competition, Kensho’s AI Data Team cleaned and streamlined the entire dataset, enriching the submissions with critical insights and metadata.