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Data is presented by topic following the order of the Table of Contents of this report. A dash (–) in a data table indicates data that is not reported.

Policy Influence and Transparent Engagement

U.S. Trade Associations Dues in Excess of $25,000
American International Automobile Dealers Association
CCI, Inc.
Consumer Data Industry Association
Council on Foreign Relations
Institute of International Finance (IIF)
National Independent Automobile Dealers Association
The Ripon Society
U.S. Chamber of Commerce – International
U.S. Information Technology Office (USITO)
US-Asean Business Council Inc.

Responsible Sourcing and Supply Chain Management

U.S. Diverse Suppliers14 2020 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of spend with U.S. diverse suppliers (%) 6.5 6.5 7.3 7.9
Amount of spend with U.S. diverse suppliers (USD) - - - 134.7M
Count of U.S. diverse suppliers 161 175 295 347
Percentage of U.S. sourcing events including diverse suppliers (%) 29 32 13 10.5
Percentage of U.S. sourcing events awarded to diverse suppliers (%) - 24 3.7 10.5
U.S. and Global Diverse Suppliers14 2020 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of spend with global diverse suppliers (%) - - 5.8 6.7
Amount of spend with global diverse suppliers (USD) - - - 150.6M
Count of U.S. and global diverse suppliers - - 332 734
Percentage of U.S. and global sourcing events including diverse
suppliers (%)
- - 11 16
Percentage of U.S. and global sourcing events awarded to diverse
suppliers (%)
- - 3.3 12

14 - Percentage and amount of spend excludes CARFAX and Taiwan Ratings Corp.

Biodiversity and Nature

Nature Units 2023
Offices that overlap with Protected Areas or Key
Biodiversity Areas
Offices 3
Company Impact Ratio 0-1 0.08
Water and Waste Units 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Water Consumption Thousand Gallons 40,362 14,736 10,459 42,391 18,037
Recycling Short Tons 569 222 87 320 261
Recycling Percentage Percent 65 67 43 51 69
Composting Short Tons 17 10 1 - -
Waste to Landfill Short Tons 317 116 119 308 118
Waste to Landfill Percentage Percent 35 33 57 49 31
Total Amount of E-waste Short Tons - - - - 85
Office Paper Purchased Short Tons 72 29 6 9 47

Community and Economic Impact

Community Investment 2021 2022 2023
S&P Global corporate contributions $2M $2M $2.7M (+35%)
S&P Global Foundation giving $14.6M $11.5M $10.6M (-9%)
Matched employee contributions15 $3M $4M $4.7M (+18%)
Employee Engagement15 2021 2022 2023
Total number of volunteers 4,300 1,926 3,973 (+106%)
Total volunteer hours 12,200 19,520 30,525 (+56%)
Number of cities globally - 59 76 (+29%)
Number of countries - 27 31
Number of nonprofits supported
through volunteerism
- 221 529 (+139%)

15 - Excludes CRISIL

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Global Demographics*

Global Gender Representation – Year Over Year

Global Gender Representation – Year Over Year

U.S. Diverse Representation as Self-Identified – Year Over Year 

U.S. Ethnicity by Female % – Year Over Year

U.S. Ethnicity % – Year Over Year

U.S. Ethnicity % – Year Over Year

* Notes: – Data includes all of S&P Global excluding CRISIL, Taiwan Ratings Corp., CARFAX and OSTTRA.
– Data reflects self-identified ethnicity for U.S. employees as of December 31, 2023.
– U.S. Ethnicity: “Other” includes other, two or more races and Native American.

Critical U.S. Roles by Gender and Ethnicity*

U.S. Analytical Roles**

U.S. Commercial Roles

U.S. In-Demand Technology Roles‡

* Notes: – All of S&P Global excluding CRISIL, Taiwan Ratings Corp., CARFAX and OSTTRA
– Data reflects self-identified ethnicity for U.S. employees as of December 31, 2023.
– "Male" and "Female" may not total "All," because "All" includes those who did not disclose.
– Totals presented may not sum due to rounding.
** Includes the following Information Technology roles: Analytics Engineering, Blockchain Development/Engineering, Business Intelligence Data Engineer, Cloud Development/Engineering, Data Scientist, Information Security, Machine Learning Data Engineer and Product Development/User Experience Design.
† Includes all Sales roles.
‡ Includes the following roles: Quantitative Analysis and Modeling, Price Assessment/Pricing, Credit Analysis and Support for Ratings, Economist/Forecasting, Financial, FI, Equities and Commodities Research, Investment Strategy and S&P Guild – Credit Support Ratings.

Employees by Country

Employees by Country16
Argentina 243 Luxembourg 1
Australia 246 Malaysia 709
Austria 4 Mexico 309
Barbados 2 Netherlands 109
Belgium 8 Norway 17
Brazil 205 Pakistan 1,471
Canada 1,349 Philippines 1,114
China 479 Poland 466
Colombia 34 Qatar 2
Czechia 1 Romania 118
Denmark 5 Saudi Arabia 1
France 317 Singapore 660
Germany 409 South Africa 200
Hong Kong 288 Spain 136
India 13,623 Sweden 268
Indonesia 4 Switzerland 128
Ireland 83 Taiwan 6
Israel 81 Thailand 17
Italy 84 United Arab Emirates 184
Japan 307 United Kingdom 3,242
Kazakhstan 7 United States of America 10,232
Korea, Republic of 65

Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing17

Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing17 2021 2022 2023
Fatalities 0 0 0
Major injuries and work-related illnesses 0 0 0
All other injuries and work-related illnesses 0 0 2
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)18 0 0 0
Accident severity rate - 0 0
Occupational disease rate - 0 0

16 Excludes CRISIL and Taiwan Ratings Corp.
17 All of S&P Global excluding CARFAX and CRISIL.
18 The total reportable incident rate (TRIR) is a measure that encompasses all fatalities, lost time injuries, cases restricted for work, cases of substitute work due to injury and medical treatment cases by medical professionals.

Energy and Climate Change

Energy Units 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Energy Consumption MWh 37,139 25,756 61,589 50,890
Energy Cost USD 4,114,478 2,739,139 7,460,119 7,904,265
Total Renewable Energy Consumption MWh - 5,269 5,639 10,335
Renewable Energy Percentage Percent - 20.5 9.2 21.8
Emissions Units 2020 2021 2022 2023
Scope 1 GHG Emissions tCO2e 1,623 802 3,717 1,983
Scope 2 GHG Emissions (location-based) tCO2e 17,066 12,420 22,786 24,130
Scope 2 GHG Emissions (market-based tCO2e 17,157 12,326 23,191 17,505
Scope 3 GHG Emissions tCO2e 219,879 215,641 358,457 398,716
Total GHG Emissions: Scopes 1-3 (market-based) tCO2e 238,659 228,769 385,365 418,204
1. Purchased Goods and Services tCO2e 162,146 179,110 254,090 267,444
2. Capital Goods tCO2e 22,592 12,029 7,657 11,430
3. Fuel- and Energy-related Activities tCO2e 3,052 3,444 6,339 6,427
4. Upstream Transportation and Distribution tCO2e 11,092 14,789 57,297 52,419
5. Waste Generated in Operations tCO2e 53 52 151 72
6. Business Travel tCO2e 9,703 2,144 27,702 51,255
7. Employee Commuting tCO2e 10,288 2,880 4,532 8,340
8. Upstream Leased Assets tCO2e 902 1,142 267 1,012
12. End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products tCO2e - - - 22
13. Downstream Leased Assets tCO2e 51 51 381 285
15. Investments tCO2e - - 41 10
Emissions per employee: Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) tCO2e/FTE 0.82 0.57 0.67 0.48
Emissions per unit of revenue: Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) tCO2e/$M 2.52 1.58 2.41 1.56
Scope 1 emissions per square foot tCO2e/sq. ft. 230 194 782 417
Scope 2 emissions per square foot (market-based) tCO2e/sq. ft. 3,320 2,540 4,879 3,683
Coverage 96 offices in 35 countries 91 offices in 32 countries 113 offices and
remote working across 44
109 offices and
remote working
across 43 countries19

19 S&P Global Inc. excluding CRISIL and Taiwan Ratings Corp

Talent Attraction and Development

Learning and Development20 2021 2022 2023
Learning and development spend ($M) 15.3 20.3 21.9
Number of completed training courses 1,294,308 889,973 631,962
Number of learning hours 697,471 714,854 529,697
Employees receiving tuition reimbursement 730 452 923
Tuition refunds for employees ($M) 4.0 3.1 5.1
Average hours training and development per full-time employee 35 21 14
Average amount spent on training and development per full-time
employee ($)
671 593 529
Global Career Coaching 2021 2022 2023
Employees participating in Global Career Coaching 791 947 1,159
Coaching sessions 1,433 2,105 2,578
Total coaching hours 967 1,328 1,555
U.S. Career Coaching 2021 2022 2023
Coaching participants (%) – Female 54 57 59
Coaching participants (%) – Male 46 43 41
Coaching participants (%) – Black 11 9 9
Coaching participants (%) – Hispanic/Latine 3 5 7
Coaching participants (%) – Asian 17 16 18
Coaching participants (%) – White 49 68 45
Coaching participants (%) – Others 3 2 6
Global Turnover Rate21 2021 2022 2023
Total employee turnover rate (%) 17.2 17.1 11.9
Voluntary employee turnover rate (%) 12.8 13.3 7.2
Employee turnover rate (%) - Male 7.1
Employee turnover rate (%) - Female 7.3
U.S. Turnover Rate21 2023
Employee turnover rate (%) - Asian 5.9
Employee turnover rate (%) - Black 6.2
Employee turnover rate (%) - Latine 5.5
Employee turnover rate (%) - White 6.0
Employee turnover rate (%) - Not Specified or Prefer Not to Answer 9.2
Employee turnover rate (%) - Other 9.0

20 Excludes CARFAX employees in select countries.
21 All of S&P Global excluding CRISIL and Taiwan Ratings Corp

Sustainability Products and Data

Sustainability and Energy Transition Revenue (in millions)* 2021 2022 2023
Commodity Insights 83 113 145.6
Indices 21 31 30.7
Market Intelligence 40 72 90.0
Mobility 16 23 30.8
Ratings 4 6 4.3
S&P Global Total 164 244 301.4

* Totals presented may not sum due to rounding.

Fostering Innovation

Innovation and Technology Participation22 2023
Number of activities through S&P Global Innovation Platform 107
Number of people engaged through S&P Global Innovation Platform 24,666
Percentage of people engaged through S&P Global Innovation Platform 62
Number of people participating in Innovation and Technology courses 40,366
Percentage of people participating in Innovation and Technology courses 91

22 Excludes CRISIL.

Energy and
Climate Change

Navigate by Year
Total Energy
20 21 22 23
Energy Cost
20 21 22 23
Total Renewable Energy
20 21 22 23
Renewable Energy Percentage
20 21 22 23


Year over year Suppliers signed-up for SBTi

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 77 2020 179 2021 337 2022 458 2023 400 300 200 100 0 Number of Suppliers signed up for SBTi GHG Emission contribution Spend on SBTi Suppliers

Suppliers Aligned with SBTi

% of spend
% of GHG emissions
# of Vendors
# of Tier 1 Vendors


values expressed in tCO2e

2020 2021 2022 2023
Scope 1 GHG Emissions 1,623 802 3,717 1,983
Scope 2 GHG Emissions (location-based) 17,066 12,420 22,786 24,130
Scope 2 GHG Emissions (market-based) 17,157 12,326 23,191 17,505
Scope 3 GHG Emissions 219,879 215,641 358,457 398,716
Total GHG Emissions: Scopes 1-3 (market-based) 238,659 228,769 385,365 418,204
1. Purchased Goods and Services 162,146 179,110 254,090 267,444
2. Capital Goods 22,592 12,029 7,657 11,430
3. Fuel- and Energy-related Activities 3,052 3,444 6,339 6,427
4. Upstream Transportation and Distribution 11,092 14,789 57,297 52,419
5. Waste Generated in Operations 53 52 151 72
6. Business Travel 9,703 2,144 27,702 51,255
7. Employee Commuting 10,288 2,880 4,532 8,340
8. Upstream Leased Assets 902 1,142 267 1,012
13. Downstream Leased Assets 51 51 381 285
15. Investments - - 41 10
Emissions per employee: Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) tCO2e/FTE 0.82 0.57 0.67 0.48
Emissions per unit of revenue: Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) tCO2e/$M 2.52 1.58 2.41 1.56
Scope 1 emissions per square foot tCO2e/M 230 194 782 417
Scope 2 emissions per square foot (market-based) tCO2e/M 3,320 2,540 4,879 3,683
Coverage 96 offices in
35 countries
91 offices in
32 countries
113 offices in and remote working across 44 countries 109 offices in and remote working across 43 countries



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