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S&P Global — 23 Feb, 2021
By S&P Global
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The future for the global oil market remains in question as the energy transition accelerates.
Global lockdowns that strangled demand and sent supply surging, an unprecedented price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, and extreme market volatility sent the international oil industry into a tailspin last year. At the same time, governments committed to building back better from the crisis and pledged stimulus packages to invest in clean energy. Now, growth in oil demand will likely surface in the second half of 2021—supported by positive developments in the global economy’s recovery from the pandemic-prompted downturn and successful vaccination deployments across the developed world.
But the rebound won’t be boundless. S&P Global Platts Analytics anticipates global oil demand this year will expand 6.1 million barrels per day, following last year’s 8.8 million barrels per day decline. Earlier this month, the International Energy Agency, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and U.S. Energy Information Administration all diminished their expectations for oil demand earlier this month, casting a cautionary shadow over this year’s outlooks.
Many oil producers have acknowledged the industry’s bleak moment and are focusing on increasing their sustainable investments.
Royal Dutch Shell said in a recent strategy update that expects its company’s oil production to decrease 1%-2% annually as it prioritizes spending on transition projects to accelerate its efforts in achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, according to S&P Global Platts. The energy giant said it believes its oil production peaked prior to the pandemic, in 2019, and its carbon emissions the year prior, in 2018.
Other companies are using their existing fossil fuel assets to fund the creation of or investment in future sustainable assets. The French conglomerate Total has pledged to expand its oil and gas production in the near term to fund its green investment drive, according to S&P Global Platts.
"We recognize the world has changed dramatically. There is no going back from here," Total CEO Patrick Pouyanne said in earnings presentation. "Europe is in the way on the green deal, and this is becoming a global effort with other major markets moving in the same direction, including the U.S., China, Japan, Korea, and India, and that's also why we need to think long-term."
Some countries are trying to balance boosting an oil recovery with clean energy capacity.
Although India is advancing its efforts and incentives to embrace the energy transition process, the world’s second-most populous country is already embracing a resurgence of oil demand that is likely to return to 2019 levels this year, proving that dramatic shift to decarbonization is unlikely, according to S&P Global Platts. Nonetheless, refiners in the country are expected to prioritize new projects, like purchasing so-called carbon-neutral crude, to support the government’s target to reduce its emissions footprint.
Saudi Arabia has its eyes on being a leader in the hydrogen market, a key aspect of the energy transition in the long-term. But in the near-term, the country is focused on oil.
"It is a natural progression to take on the responsibility for the huge demand for hydrogen. But we need to invest in carbon capture and sequestration technologies … We are looking to diversifying our portfolio to include zero-carbon products,” Ahmed al-Khowaiter, the chief technology officer of the state-owned producer Saudi Aramco, said at a Feb. 22 virtual event hosted by the company, according to S&P Global Platts. At the same time, Aramco “see[s] huge potential in improving efficiency of internal combustion engine … [and] will be using liquid hydrocarbons and natural gas for many years to come."
The transition from fossil fuel generation to renewable sources of energy is likely to serve as a “wake-up call” for oil-dependent economies, which could face a $9 trillion decline in expected income over the next two decades, according to recent research by the British think tank Carbon Tracker.
If producers don’t coordinate "an orderly wind down of production, with global supply falling in line with decreasing demand and falling oil prices" in order to minimize their financial losses and rather "go it alone and seek to monetize their existing reserves while they can, oversupply is likely to destroy value for all, with falling prices quickly outweighing the benefit of increased production," the think tank said.
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—Listen and subscribe to Commodities Focus, a podcast from S&P Global Platts
Written and compiled by Molly Mintz.
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