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S&P Global Mobility
Executive Director, Automotive Consulting
Michael Robinet serves as executive director of Automotive Advisory Services at S&P Global Mobility
In his role as executive director in the global automotive consulting practice, Michael builds upon his experience as a leader and innovator in automotive research. He works with decision makers at suppliers and OEMs in the fields of supplier strategy/profitability, global production forecasting, tracking future product programs (FPPs), analyzing sourcing and production strategies to serve OEM, supplier and government entities throughout the global auto ecosystem.
Michael has over three decades of experience in automotive forecasting, strategic analysis and manufacturing finance. Prior to joining CSM Worldwide, now part of S&P Global, he worked at several research companies and was schooled in finance at a Tier 1 supplier. He regularly consults with industry executives and presents at global OEM and supplier conferences/symposiums and is widely quoted by worldwide media on a variety of critical industry topics.
Michael holds an undergraduate degree in economics and an MBA, both from the University of Windsor, Canada. He is a board member of the Automotive Hall of Fame, the Canada-US Business Association (CUSBA) and the Original Equipment Supplier Association (OESA). He is also a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Automotive Press Association (APA), Detroit Economic Club (DEC) and the Society of Automotive Analysts (SAA). Mr. Robinet pens a monthly column called 'Supplier Eye' for SAE's Automotive Engineering Magazine.
Director, Automotive Technology & Aftermarket
Joyce Wang is Director of Automotive Technology & Aftermarket at S&P Global Mobility, focusing on technology trend forecasts and aftermarket analysis.
SR Research Analyst, Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicle Forecasting
Jie is responsible for forecasting MHCV sales in Europe, focusing on fuel types and propulsions
Vice President and General Manager, Polk Automotive Solutions
Mr. Kyriakoza team leads efforts to aid automotive OEMs, dealers, and affiliates to make better decisions and drive stronger results for their various marketing initiatives by making Polk Automotive Solutions available through all tech and media channels and platforms