24 Aug 2021 | 11:20 UTC

Listen: Marine Fuels of the Future: Methanol

Ahead of London International Shipping Week 2021, a six-part S&P Global Platts podcast miniseries looks into the pricing of alternative marine fuels for the global shipping industry. In each episode of Marine Fuels of the Future, Platts editors investigate the current state of the major fuel alternatives, as the shipping sector seeks to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions ahead of stringent caps in 2030 and 2050. In episode three, we look at methanol – a cleaner-burning hydrocarbon that is proving popular amongst shipowners.

Read more: Platts proposes to launch European methanol bunker fuel price assessments

More listening options:

Platts Future Energy Podcast on Spotify

Platts Future Energy Podcast on Apple Podcasts

Platts Future Energy Podcast on Google Podcasts