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22 Apr 2024 | 13:30 UTC
Climate-driven energy demand up in south Europe
43% of electricity generated from renewables in 2023
Impact on wind, solar output from extreme weather
Volatile temperatures were beginning to have an impact on energy demand and renewable energy output, with extreme weather events seen in 2023 and more expected this year, the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service said April 22.
Temperatures across Europe are warming at twice the global average with 2023 characterized by intense heatwaves, large wildfires, heavy flooding and widespread drought, according to the agency's European State of the Climate Report 2023.
In 2023, a record proportion of actual electricity generation in Europe was from renewable sources, at 43%, compared with 36% in 2022.
"Climate-driven electricity demand was above average in Southern Europe, due to cooling required during exceptional summer temperatures, and in Scandinavia, where cooler-than-average temperatures in several months led to increased demand for heating," the report said.
The global average temperature for the past 12 months was some 1.58 C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average, data from the EU's climate monitor showed.
March 2024 was the tenth month in a row to be the warmest on record for that particular month.
Increased storm activity from October to December resulted in above-average potential for wind-power production, while potential run-of-river hydropower generation was above average across much of Europe, linked to above-average precipitation and river flow.
"For the year as a whole, potential for solar photovoltaic power generation was below average in northwestern and Central Europe, and above average in southwestern and Southern Europe, and Fennoscandia," the report said.
Energy demand in Europe demonstrated two peaks over the year, the usual one in winter for heating and another during summer as soaring temperatures led to a jump in air conditioning.
July and August 2023 were the warmest two months on record and saw gas and power demand in Southern Europe and the Middle East surge. Meanwhile higher river temperatures affected nuclear operations and plant efficiency.
Global energy-related CO2 emissions rose to a record high 37.4 gigatonCO2e in 2023, an increase of 410 million mtCO2e from 2022, according to International Energy Agency data.
Climate change caused by a surge in greenhouse gas emissions has been increasing the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, all of which have a measurable impact on air quality, human health and the environment.