Published November 1983
There is currently worldwide interest in the use of exotic octane improvers for gasoline-primarily oxygenated compounds. This study examines the present industrial status (together with the technology and economics of manufacture) of the major additives: including methanol, ethanol, tert-butanol (TBA), and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE).
One of the major factors likely to.affect future additive usage is anticipated structural changes in gasoline markets-in particular the growth of unleaded gasoline in an otherwise static (or shrinking) gasoline pool. Against this background an assessment la made of the value of additives to gasoline blenders and to major refiners using conventional gasoline components such as light naphtha, reformate, FCC gasoline, alkylate, and polymer gasoline. Comparisons are made between additive value and estimated production coat for two crude oil price growth scenarios.
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