
iBoxx GBP Collateralized & Corporates ex-T1&UT2 10+ (1.5% Issuer Cap/25% Sector Cap) Index Consultation

Open for comment until Jul 12, 2024

This consultation is no longer open. The survey below is provided for reference purposes only. You will not be able to interact with it.

  • Step 1About You
  • Step 2Survey
  • Step 3Submit
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Company *
    • Email

    S&P DJI makes responses to consultations freely available upon request with redacted individual and company names unless requested to be confidential. Do you wish for your response to remain confidential?*

      • Do you agree with the proposal to include bonds from Tier 1 and Upper Tier 2 issuers in the index?
      • Do you agree with the proposal to remove the 1.5% issuer cap from the index?
      • Should these proposed methodology changes be adopted, do you agree with the proposed implementation date?
      • Do you have any other comments or feedback regarding the proposed changes outlined above?
  • Please be advised that all comments from this consultation will be reviewed and considered before a final decision is made; however, S&P DJI makes no guarantee nor is under any obligation to comply with any of the responses. The survey may result in no changes or outcome of any kind. If S&P DJI decides to change the index methodology, an announcement will be posted on our website.

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