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  • Step 2Survey
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    S&P DJI makes responses to consultations freely available upon request with redacted individual and company names unless requested to be confidential. Do you wish for your response to remain confidential?*

      • Should companies engaged in the following businesses be consolidated under the Energy Sector? Select all that apply.
      • Should GICS reclassify companies that generate and wholesale energy/electricity, but do not distribute to end users, into the Energy Sector from the Utilities Sector?
      • Should Electric Utilities distributing electricity produced from renewable sources be classified in a separate Sub-Industry from those distributing electricity produced from non-renewable sources?
      • Do you have any other comments or feedback regarding the proposed changes to Renewable Energy?
      • Should the Internet & Direct Marketing Retail Sub-Industry be discontinued, and companies be reclassified into their respective Retail or other Sub-Industries based on the nature of the goods sold or services offered by them?
      • Should there be a distinction between online retailers and brick-and-mortar retailers?
      • Should General Merchandise Stores and Department Stores be combined into one Sub-Industry called Broadline Retail under the Consumer Discretionary Sector?
      • Should companies mainly selling consumable merchandise currently classified under the Consumer Discretionary Sector as General Merchandise Stores be reclassified under the Consumer Staples Sector as Consumable Merchandise Retail?
      • Do you have any other comments or feedback regarding the proposed changes to Retailers?
      • Should companies that provide payment and transaction processing services be reclassified to the Financials Sector from the Information Technology Sector?
      • Should call centers and other business outsourced services including customer experience management be reclassified to the Industrials Sector or remain in the Information Technology Sector?
      • Do you have any other comments or feedback regarding the proposed changes to Data Processing & Outsourced Services?
      • Should Diversified Banks, Regional Banks and Thrifts/Savings Banks be merged into one Sub-Industry named Banks?
      • Should Mortgage Finance companies servicing both commercial and residential real estate properties move from the Banks Industry Group to the Financial Services Industry Group?
      • Do you have any other comments or feedback regarding the proposed changes to Banks and Thrifts & Mortgage Finance?
      • Should additional Sub-Industries for REITs be added to increase the granularity of equity REITS in the GICS structure?
      • Do you have any other comments or feedback regarding the proposed changes to REITs?
      • Should the definition of Trucking be updated to include only freight ground transportation, with passenger transportation moved to a new Sub-Industry called Passenger Ground Transportation?
      • Do you have any other comments or feedback regarding the proposed change to Transportation?
      • Do you have any comments or feedback regarding the classification of manufacturers of cannabis-based products?
      • Do you have any comments or feedback regarding the GICS structure or the proposed changes outlined in the consultation?
  • Please be advised that all comments from this consultation will be reviewed and considered before a final decision is made; however, S&P DJI makes no guarantee nor is under any obligation to comply with any of the responses. The survey may result in no changes or outcome of any kind. If S&P DJI decides to change the index methodology, an announcement will be posted on our website.

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