
Leadership value creation is the key to success for every organization. Indiggo leveraged its decades of expertise in the leadership sector to create a comprehensive, objective, and metric-based framework that measures ReturnOnLeadership®. The ROL® framework is industry agnostic, AI-driven and has a proven track record demonstrating that companies with high ReturnOnLeadership® scores demonstrate superior results in economic outcomes, external impact, and employee experience - three outcomes that are critical for higher returns.

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No Data Available
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All information for an index prior to its Launch Date is hypothetical back-tested, not actual performance, based on the index methodology in effect on the Launch Date. Back-tested performance reflects application of an index methodology and selection of index constituents with the benefit of hindsight and knowledge of factors that may have positively affected its performance, cannot account for all financial risk that may affect results and may be considered to reflect survivor/look ahead bias. Actual returns may differ significantly from, and be lower than, back-tested returns. Past performance is not an indication or guarantee of future results. This back-tested data may have been created using a “Backward Data Assumption”. For more information on “Backward Data Assumption” and back-testing in general, please see the Performance Disclosure.