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Default, Transition, and Recovery: Four U.S. Defaults Push 2021 Global Tally To 32


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Default, Transition, and Recovery: Four U.S. Defaults Push 2021 Global Tally To 32

This year's global corporate default tally jumped to 32 after four U.S.-based companies defaulted since our last report. The defaulters are:

  • Texas-based midstream services provider Summit Midstream Partners L.P.,
  • Texas-based oilfield services provider Basic Energy Services Inc.,
  • New York-based durable medical device manufacturer Medical Depot Holdings Inc., and
  • Illinois-based mattress and bedding products manufacturer Serta Simmons Bedding LLC.

Five out of six defaults in April 2021 so far are from the U.S. region, which has reached 20 (63% of the global tally). The percentage of defaults in the region due to a distressed exchange has increased compared to 2020--nearly 66% of total U.S. defaults in 2021 have been distressed exchanges related compared to only 37% in 2020. However, the U.S. tally is still only half of the year-to-date 2020 levels as favorable financing conditions and an improving economic outlook have helped slow the pace of defaults in recent months. S&P Global Ratings expects the U.S. trailing-12-month speculative-grade corporate default rate to fall to 5.5% by December 2021 (see "U.S. Speculative-Grade Corporate Default Rate Forecast For Year-End 2021 Falls To 5.5%," March 30, 2021).

Chart 1


This Week's Observations

  • At this point in 2020, 2019, and 2018, global corporate defaults totaled 40, 42, and 31, respectively.
  • By region, the U.S. is leading the default tally, with 20 out of 32 defaults in 2021, followed by Europe with eight (see chart 2).
  • Among the U.S. defaults, oil and gas leads the tally, with four, followed by the retail and restaurants, and media and entertainment sectors, with three each.

Chart 2


Chart 3


Chart 4


Table 1

Global Year-To-Date Defaults Are Much Lower In 2021 (32) Than In 2020 (58)
12-month-trailing speculative-grade default rate (%) YTD 2021 YTD 2020 2020 Weakest links
U.S. 6.3* 20 40 146 322
Emerging market 3.1 3 7 28 35
Europe 5.9* 8 7 42 84
Other developed 5.9 1 4 10 25
Global 5.4 32 58 226 466
Note: *Trailing-12-month default rates from March 31, 2020, to March 31, 2021, are preliminary and subject to change. Year-to-date data as of April 21, 2021. Weakest link data is as of Jan. 31, 2021. Other developed region includes Australia, Canada, Japan, and New Zealand. Default counts may include confidentially rated issuers. Sources: S&P Global Ratings Research and S&P Global Market Intelligence’s CreditPro®.

Table 2

The 2021 Global Corporate Default Tally Rises To 32
Date Parent company Country Subsector To From Reason

HGIM Corp.

U.S. Oil and gas SD CC Distressed exchange

Promotora de Informaciones S.A.

Spain Media and entertainment SD CC Distressed exchange
1/8/2021 Burger BossCo Intermediate Inc. U.S. Retail/restaurants SD CCC Distressed exchange
1/8/2021 Riverbed Parent Inc. U.S. High technology SD CC Distressed exchange

AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc.

U.S. Media and entertainment SD CC Distressed exchange
1/25/2021 Awesome Acquisition Co. L.P. U.S. Retail/restaurants D NR Chapter 11
1/25/2021 Alpha Media LLC U.S. Media and entertainment D NR Bankruptcy
1/27/2021 Imagine Group LLC (The) U.S. Media and entertainment D CCC Distressed exchange
2/2/2021 Belk Inc. U.S. Retail/restaurants D CC Missed interest payments

Peabody Energy Corp.

U.S. Metals, mining, and steel SD CC Distressed exchange
2/3/2021 Confidential Confidential Health care SD CCC- Confidential
2/11/2021 Confidential Confidential Automotive D CCC- Confidential


France Oil and gas SD CC Missed principal payments

Renfro Corp.

U.S. Consumer products SD CCC- Distressed exchange
2/22/2021 CatLuxe Sarl (CatLuxe Acquistion Sarl) Luxembourg Consumer products SD CCC+ Distressed exchange

Form Technologies LLC

U.S. Capital goods SD CC Distressed exchange
2/26/2021 YPF S.A Argentina Oil and gas SD CC Distressed exchange

Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd.

Cayman Islands Homebuilders/real estate companies SD CCC- Distressed exchange
3/7/2021 Confidential Confidential Financial institutions D NR Confidential
3/8/2021 Confidential Confidential Financial institutions D B+ Confidential
3/16/2021 Ensign Drilling Inc. (Ensign Energy Services Inc.) Canada Oil and gas SD CCC+ Distressed exchange

HighPoint Resources Corp.

U.S. Oil and gas D CC Chapter 11

Washington Prime Group Inc.

U.S. Homebuilders/real estate companies D CC Missed interest payments
3/18/2021 Confidential Confidential Consumer products D CCC Confidential
3/23/2021 Al Mistral Holdco Ltd. U.K. Transportation SD CCC+ Distressed exchange

Avation PLC

U.K. Transportation SD CC Distressed exchange
4/13/2021 YPF Energia Electrica S.A. (YPF S.A) Argentina Utilities SD CCC- Distressed exchange

ION Geophysical Corp.

U.S. Oil and gas SD CC Distressed exchange

Summit Midstream Partners, LP

U.S. Midstream SD CC Distressed exchange

Basic Energy Services Inc.

U.S. Oil and gas D CCC- Missed interest payments

Medical Depot Holdings Inc.

U.S. Health care SD CCC+ Distressed exchange

Serta Simmons Bedding LLC

U.S. Consumer products SD CC Distressed exchange
NR--Not rated. SD--Selective default. Data as of April 21, 2021. Sources: S&P Global Ratings Research and S&P Global Market Intelligence’s CreditPro®. (B) designation indicates the issuers second default for 2021. * Sunshine 100 China Holdings Ltd. is incorporated in the Cayman Islands but invests, develops, and manages real estate properties in the People’s Republic of China. Companies incorporated in the Cayman Islands are included in the U.S. default rate computation due to the location as a U.S. tax haven.

Related Research

Default Studies

More analysis and statistics are available in our annual default studies, published on RatingsDirect:

Corporate (financial and nonfinancial)
Structured finance
U.S. public finance
Sovereign and international public finance

This report does not constitute a rating action.

Credit Markets Research:Nicole Serino, New York + 1 (212) 438 1396;
Sudeep K Kesh, New York (1) 212-438-7982;
Research Contributor:Shripati Pranshu, Mumbai;

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