Portfolio Analytics
Portfolio Analytics on Capital IQ Pro conducts performance and risk analysis on a historical or intraday basis by leveraging best-in-class traditional data such as S&P Capital IQ Financials, Estimates, and Market Data. Communicate the strengths behind your strategy and expand your understanding of market dynamics by integrating S&P Global ESG and Climate Risk Data as well as proprietary risk and Alpha Factor Library models for unique and differentiated portfolio analytical capabilities.
Additionally, client portfolios can be ingested ad-hoc or directly from their custodian or accounting system which can then be compared to an array of index benchmarks and mutual and ETF fund holdings.
Portfolio Analytics utilizes an extensive library of charts and tables to build highly visual reports through an adaptable and intuitive user interface, combined with powerful user-defined custom functions to allow for ad-hoc or scheduled batch reporting.
Service Provider Information
Key Information
Use Cases
- Analyze the characteristics of portfolios at an aggregated level
- Attribute historical performances based on industry, geography, currency, or factor-based groupings
- Assess future market volatility, liquidity, and environmental and regulatory portfolio-based risks
You can gain insight into how:
- Historical top-down allocation or bottom-up selection decisions impacted a portfolio's relative performance vs a benchmark
- Peer ranking of holdings or funds based on fundamental or ESG characteristics
- Future market, liquidity constraints, and environmental related risks might impact your portfolios