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Street Talk | Episode 84: Pandemic pushes technology to the forefront for banks, insurers in 2022

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Listen: Street Talk | Episode 84: Pandemic pushes technology to the forefront for banks, insurers in 2022

The pandemic has put technology front and center for financial institutions as customers shifted transactions toward digital channels. Meanwhile, fintechs continue to attract even greater amounts of capital and have expanded their offerings to include more banking and insurance products, putting them in direct competition with traditional players. In the episode, three members of the S&P Global Market Intelligence financial institutions research team — Tim Zawacki, Tom Mason and Nimayi Dixit — discuss the intersection between fintech and the banking and insurance sectors. The group also discussed the key themes those companies will face in 2022, including the growth of underwriting based on algorithms in the life insurance business; usage-based insurance in the private auto business; venture funds continued support of fintechs and the pronounced shift of customers away from bank branches and into mobile banking apps.

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