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MediaTalk | Season 2
EP 19 - Where Have All The Gaming Console Sales Gone?


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Listen: MediaTalk | Season 2
EP 19 - Where Have All The Gaming Console Sales Gone?

Worldwide annual video game console shipments are set to fall by almost 50% between 2023 and 2028, according to the most recent outlook from S&P Global Market Intelligence Kagan. What is driving that decline? This episode of MediaTalk seeks to answer that question with help from Kagan analyst Neil Barbour, who leads video game coverage for the consumer technology team. Neil explains why the newest consoles from Microsoft and Sony have been slower to catch on, and he describes how Nintendo's Switch is gearing up to exit the market. The forecast is not entirely grim, however. While hardware sales are down, software sales remain strong thanks to device-agnostic entities like Roblox and Fortnite.

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