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MediaTalk | Season 2
EP 18 - Soccer Tournaments Kick off Summer of Sports


MediaTalk | Season 2 | Ep. 27 - College Football Preview & Venu Injunction


Next in Tech | Ep. 181: Lighting up Fiber


MediaTalk | Season 2 | Ep. 26 - Premier League Kicks Off


Next in Tech | Ep. 180 - Datacenters and Energy Utilities

Listen: MediaTalk | Season 2
EP 18 - Soccer Tournaments Kick off Summer of Sports

The summer of sports is underway, and soccer fans across the globe are ready to root for their favorite teams and players. Together, MediaTalk host Mike Reynolds of New York and S&P Global Market Intelligence Kagan Research Analyst John Paul O'Sullivan from London share their thoughts about a couple of major international soccer tournaments: UEFA's Euro 2024, which starts on June 14 from Germany, and 2024 Copa América, which begins in the US on June 20. The pair talk viewership, advertising and availability across three continents, and then share their best guesses as to which teams will win their respective tournaments.

MediaTalk: All Episodes

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