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IR in Focus | Episode 11: Pace, Progress & Outcomes at COP28


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Listen: IR in Focus | Episode 11: Pace, Progress & Outcomes at COP28

In this final episode of 2023, host Carmen Lilly is joined by Lindsey Hall, Head of Thought Leadership at S&P Global Sustainable1 and co-host of the ESG Insider podcast. Together they discuss the pace of progress, with insightful dialogue on the outcomes from COP28 (the United Nations' 28th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change). Their discussion explores sentiments heard from global stakeholders across public and private sectors, as corporations, governments, and financial institutions navigate their sustainability journey seeking solutions to the far-reaching climate crisis, whether through aligning to the Global Stocktake, adhering to regulatory frameworks, assessing climate-related risks, or adjusting business strategies to foster nature-positivity. Take a listen now.

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