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Energy Evolution | The Russia-Ukraine conflict and the energy transition

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Listen: Energy Evolution | The Russia-Ukraine conflict and the energy transition

Russia's invasion of Ukraine sapped its dominance as an energy and battery metals superpower, putting the energy transition at risk as countries scramble to source key resources elsewhere. While traders are still moving Russia's gas, nickel, and aluminum around the globe, prices for energy and key metals have jumped, wreaking havoc on the energy and mining industries in Europe and raising questions about global dependence on Russia for crucial supplies. On this episode, Energy Evolution shares some insights from experts we talked to on a recent live webinar hosted by S&P Global. Our guests on the webinar were Melanie Kenderdine, principal at Energy Future Initiative; Morgan Bazillian, director of the Payne Institute and professor of public policy at the Colorado School of Mines; Ben Cahill, senior fellow with the energy security and climate change program at the Center for Strategic & International Studies; and Georg Zachmann, senior fellow at Bruegel, a think tank focused on economic and policy issues.

Check out the full webinar mentioned today here

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