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Energy Evolution | Are world superpowers in a green tech arms race?

Case Study

A Leading Renewable Energy Financing Bank Gains Important Insights on U.S.- based Opportunities


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Despite turmoil, project finance remains keen on offshore wind

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An Energy Company Assesses Datacenter Demand for Renewable Energy

Listen: Energy Evolution | Are world superpowers in a green tech arms race?

The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act is expected to unleash a wave of investment in renewable energy infrastructure. However, it also heavily favored investments at home, causing some concern among trading partners, including the European Union. Now, the EU is increasing its own efforts to promote the development of renewable energy.

 S&P Global Commodity Insights reporters Molly Christian and Alex Blackburne join the show to discuss the differences in approaches between the U.S. and EU. The show also welcomes guests Michael Cerasoli, a portfolio manager of energy infrastructure strategies at Eagle Global Advisors, and Melanie Brusseler, a senior researcher at climate think tank E3G.

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