7 Feb, 2022

Probe concludes no management failures at BHP Area C collapse – The Australian

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By Dan Carino Jr.

A confidential investigation conducted by BHP Group Ltd. concluded that historical blasting, not management failures, likely caused the damage to a heritage site at the company's Area C iron ore operations in Western Australia, The Australian reported Feb. 6.

According to the results of the investigation, the historical blasting weakened the rock structures and made the sacred rock shelter more vulnerable to blasting at other areas of the Area C mines, the report said.

BHP said it would not have allowed the historical blasting that affected the rock shelter under the company's revised heritage policies, according to the report.

BHP completed the investigation and handed the results to the Banjima Native Title Aboriginal Corporation, or BNTAC, in August. BNTAC has not commented on the results of the investigation, but a BHP spokesman said that the company is maintaining a "strong ongoing relationship" with the Banjima people, the report said.

BHP identified the rockfall at Area C in January 2021. The company flagged that the affected site was part of the current mining operations.