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Natural gas contributes to new US, Canadian generation capacity in April

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Natural gas contributes to new US, Canadian generation capacity in April

Generating capacity in the US and Canada expanded by a net 2,827 MW in April, as 3,877 MW of new operating capacity went online and 1,050 MW of capacity was permanently retired, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence data. The net growth brought April's operating capacity to 1,363.17 GW from March's revised 1,360.34 GW, calculated as of June 1.

A total of 35 generation units were completed, while two units were retired. Natural gas accounted for 64.9%, or 2,518 MW, of completed capacity, while the units that were retired included one coal-fired plant and one gas plant.

Six new power plant units with a total capacity of 1,420 MW were proposed, with a single large hydro unit making up the bulk of the total.

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The 1,179-MW Seminole CC Plant in Putnam County, Fla., was the largest single capacity additions in April. The three-unit gas facility comprises two combustion turbines and one steam turbine. It is owned by Seminole Electric Cooperative Inc.

A 625-MW unit at the Guernsey Power Station in Guernsey County, Ohio, powered by gas, was the next-largest addition. The plant is jointly owned by independent power producers Caithness Energy LLC and Apex Power Group Inc., and the capacity is in the PJM Interconnection LLC region. Two other units at the Guernsey plant began operating earlier this year, and Caithness on June 6 declared the overall 1,875-MW plant fully operational.

Among renewable generation projects, the 320-MW IP Radian Solar Project in Brown County, Texas, was the largest to begin operating in April. The facility is part of a solar portfolio owned by the independent power producer Intersect Power LLC.

The 303-MW, five-unit Brotman Power Station in Brazoria County, Texas, powered by gas, was the next-largest addition. The owner, WattBridge Energy LLC, has additional gas units in development to help bolster reliability in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Inc. region.

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The 850-MW Susquehanna River Hydroelectric Power Plant was the largest among announced projects in April. The project, to be located in York County, Pa., is owned by York Energy Co. It has an estimated cost of $2.75 billion and an expected completion date of December 2025.

Independent power producer Calpine Corp., owned by a consortium of investors known as CPN Management LP, proposed the 456-MW Freestone County Combustion Turbine Project, a two-unit, gas-powered facility in Freestone County, Texas. The project, estimated to cost $1.00 billion, is slated to enter service in 2026.

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The closing of one 650-MW unit which began operating in 1985 at the coal-powered Pirkey plant in Harrison County, Texas, was the largest retirement for the month. It is among several planned coal retirements by the plant's majority owner, American Electric Power Co. Inc. through its subsidiary Southwestern Electric Power Co., known as SWEPCO. SWEPCO has been adding large wind projects to its portfolio and is seeking approval for additional renewable resource projects in the future.

Emera Inc. subsidiary Tampa Electric Co. shut down a 400-MW unit that began operating in 1976 at its gas-powered Big Bend facility in Hillsborough County, Fla. Tampa Electric has been repowering units at the Big Bend facility with gas to help reach its goal of net-zero by 2050. The plan is expected to save customers money and reduce carbon emissions at the plant site by 30%. According to the company, the last remaining fossil fuel unit, Big Bend 4, which began operating in 1986, will remain operational for now.

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