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S&P Global and IHS Merger: Post-Merger


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S&P Global and IHS Merger: Post-Merger

It’s been more than a year since the completion of the $44 billion merger between S&P Global and IHS Markit. In April 2023, Waters Technology published a report highlighting the journey of discovery that led to the ground-breaking combination of data sets and infrastructure.

The combined entity encompasses over 18,000 people and around 300 products. By combining traditional and alternative data, the company can provide a more complete picture of markets, allowing customers to uncover new insights.

To achieve this, S&P Global is leveraging AI tools from its Kensho outfit and AWS’ cloud.

S&P Global Market Intelligence President, Adam Kansler, says about two dozen product ideas are currently in production or being built, while some have already been released. One of those is a supply chain console, which is in beta form. Users can look at a company’s entire supply chain and its various risks, including country risk for the various places they operate. It also includes product type breakdown for companies and their competitors, alternative sources, and maritime and shipping information.

To learn more, download Waters Technology's full report on the S&P Global and IHS merger.

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