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Customer Success: a $200 million market poised for dramatic growth


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Customer Success: a $200 million market poised for dramatic growth


Available now on the 451 Research platform, the Customer Experience & Commerce Market Monitor: Customer Success market size estimate

The market is expected to hit $1.25b by 2025 although it could grow as large $3b with the entry of more established vendors.


This report from 451 Research’s Customer Experience & Commerce Market Monitor provides a market overview, competitive landscape and market forecast for the emerging Customer Success market.

Customer Success represents an emerging segment within the broader Customer Experience & Commerce market with the potential to benefit from the increasing focus on retaining existing customers and driving annual reoccurring revenue (ARR).  This report leverages 451 Research’s deep knowledge of and relationships within the Customer Success market, resulting in a proprietary forecast based on a bottom-up analysis of current revenue and growth expectations by participating vendors through 2025.

The 11 vendors included in analysis were each estimated and forecasted individually. Each model contains intelligence specific to that company (e.g., customers, pricing, deal sizes and trends), with a forecast that incorporates each company’s unique traits, strengths, and weaknesses

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